Pre-Planning (tool) for a Successful CCFC Outcome Hosted by the Family Institute for Education, Practice & Research For audio please call and enter the code # Any technical difficulties please call: This webinar will begin shortly….
AGENDA Hello & Welcome Why Have Pre-Planning Meetings Breaking down the “Whys” Sharing on the Pre-Planning tool Questions & Answers
Why Have Pre-Planning Meeting(s) To increase the likelihood for a successful CCFC To emphasize with the consumer that he/she is making all the choices around the CCFC
Why Have Pre-Planning Meeting(s) To have a conversation with the consumer to hear their viewpoints on their family/support relationships To plan & list the goals, issues/topics to discuss in the CCFC
Why Have Pre-Planning Meeting(s) To list the topics/issues that the consumer does not want to discuss in the CCFC To prepare the consumer that family will likely share some of their own experiences & perspectives during the CCFC and discuss this
Why Have Pre-Planning Meeting(s) To talk about how to handle any unexpected situations that may come up during the CCFC To collaboratively decide on best ways to outreach to family/support
Breaking Down the “Whys”
To increase the likelihood for a successful CCFC The more pre-planning work you do with the consumer to discuss all the details of the CCFC, the more unlikely unexpected issues may come up during the CCFC. You may be able to get into all the specifics of the consumer’s hesitations, difficulties & worries.
To emphasize with the consumer that he/she is making all the choices around the CCFC Hearing this message may help with any concerns that the consumer may have from past experiences where they did not have many choices in their lives. Reiterating to the consumer the message that they are in the “drivers seat” may help with any apprehensions that they may be having about inviting family/support into their “safe” environment.
To have a conversation with the consumer to hear their viewpoints on their family/support relationships The more practitioners know about the consumer’s viewpoint on their family/support relationships, the more likely they may be able to prevent surprises from occurring during the CCFC. By having continual conversations with the consumer about their family/support viewpoints, practitioners may be able to help the consumer with some unresolved issues that they may have prior to the CCFC taking place.
To plan & list the goals, issues/topics the consumer wants to discuss in the CCFC One of the best goals is likely one that already exists on the treatment plan (e.g., IRP). Then, involving natural supports becomes a strategy for how the consumer might achieve that goal. Although the CCFC model has room for flexibility, it is important that the practitioner and the consumer have as many conversations as needed to set up the consumers goals, issues and topics prior to the CCFC for the following reasons: – To keep the consumer in the “drivers seat” – To keep the meeting on task – So that there is less chance of confusion about what is the task at hand – To try to get as much accomplished within the scheduled timeframe
To list the topics/issues that the consumer does not want to discuss in the CCFC A CCFC can be a vulnerable situation for a consumer, therefore the more a practitioner can reassure them that they are in control of what is NOT on the agenda, the more likely for everyone to be comfortable. Trust building between the practitioner and consumer is paramount.
To prepare the consumer that family may want to share some of their own experiences & perspectives during the CCFC and discuss how this should be handled By having the conversation with the consumer around this issue, helps the practitioner understand how the consumer sees their family member’s role in their recovery. A plan should be made on how to handle this situation so that everyone feels safe in the CCFC but also has their voices heard with the premise that the consumer is in the “drivers seat”.
To talk about how to handle any unexpected situations that may come up during the CCFC This could be under the premise of an action plan. Although there is always the risk of unexpected events to occur when inviting others into a consumer’s program, the fact that you have had a prior conversation with the client might help to reduce a more uncertain outcome.
To collaboratively decide on best ways to outreach to family/support The consumer should be comfortable with how outreach is completed. The practitioner should use their expertise to assist the consumer for a successful outcome.
Group Sharing Time to share on how YOU have used the Pre- Planning tool in your practice….
Questions & Answers
The slides in this webinar will be made available on our website at Next event for PRACTITIONERS will be on Moving Beyond the First CCFC Meeting and will be held on September 10 th & 11 th from 3:00pm-4:00pm Next webinar series for QITs will be an Implementation update & sharing phone call and will be held on September 3 rd & 4 th from 3:00pm- 4:00pm Thank you for being with us today