Jack Tyler
In order to understand the constraints of ethical and legal within the television and film sector, the producer or the producers will have to make sure that the opening scene will have to display BBFC for the likes of films. This means that it will not show anything that would harm its audience. However if the BBFC was to show something harmful, they would have to classify the film in content of genres, sexual, violent or drug related. The BBFC has 6 different classifications each, U,PG, 12-12A,15,18 and R18, each of these are so that the viewers are aware of the amount of harmful scenes that may happen throughout the film.
Whenever it comes to the film being released to the public the BBFC has the right to ban films from the cinema or from coming out onto DVD, however this is done very rarely. Nevertheless if a film has to many compulsory cuts or shows sex with a theme of rape then the BBFC can have the right to stop the film from being seen by the public. AN example of this would be The Human Centipede 2, this film was rejected for being far to sexually explicit and having scenes that could harm the public. Only after the film made a series of cuts did the BBFC then allow the film to be released.
Representation of Gender Whenever making a film or a television show to ensure that they do not discriminate against the gender of any people, they will have to have both male and female into the show. Within the television, they will have people from different religious beliefs. At the start of the show if there is anything that will be hurtful to someone they have a message at the start of the show saying may contain religious beliefs that may offend viewers.
Whenever a film is being created they must not represent any ethnicity in a poor way, they are also not alone to discriminate against each other. The only time this is sidelined is when it is to show a factual history. Examples of films that are focused on ethnicity and show how to resolve the problem are movies such as Titans and Hairspray.
Copyright can become an issue whenever a film is being copied or downloaded from the internet, this is called piracy. Whenever a film is being taken without the permission of its creators or distributors. There are many reasons why people use copyright, for example to ensure that the work that they have done cannot be miss sold, or the idea that they have come up taken and used in other films. Examples like Scary Movie and Epic movie, all of these where ideas that came from someone else, therefore they had to ask permission to parody the film and change them.