Welcome to Curriculum Night! 6 th Grade English Language Arts & Reading Mrs. Ventura
Reading/Language Arts Balance Literacy Approach The Balanced Literacy approach engages student in various of reading and writing experiences that model powerful examples of effective literacy practices using fiction, and nonfiction, informational, persuasive, prose, drama, and media texts. Children learn in a supportive environment where lessons are designed to be scaffold to meet the needs of all. A gradual and anticipated release of responsibility from teacher to student moves learners along a planned continuum on their journey toward independence. just click on the grade level and subject matter to find all of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
Reading/Writing Instructional Approach… The elements of a Balanced Literacy approach are as follows: Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Word Work/Vocabulary Shared Writing Interactive Writing Writing Workshop Independent Writing
Technology usage in the classroom… Chromebooks iPads Promethean Laptops Student devices
How to Get to the Course Map Go to Hover your mouse over Departments Click on: Curriculum & Instruction Click on: Curriculum Documents Click on: Secondary Curriculum for English Language & Reading Click on: ELAR Grade 6 Course Map
Homework Students should be reading EVERY NIGHT— at least 30 minutes each night. Wonder will mostly be read at home. Unfinished work from class will be homework
Intervention/Tutoring Small group instruction We utilize data to drive instruction – Data such as: MAP scores, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, curriculum based assessments, etc. Morning tutoring at 7:25 am in my classroom will be available towards the end of this month.
Genre Reading Journey The goal for the number of books to be read will be determined by the teacher & student. Everyone must read 3 Newspaper Articles (or online news articles) per 9 weeks Students will be completing One-Pagers as their reading responses. A detailed One-Pager PowerPoint is on my Webpage under “Resources”.
There will be 2 ( 40% grades) per 9 weeks taken from participation in the Genre Journey. 1 st grade: Complete 4 One-Pagers per 9 weeks (I will average the grade for all 4 ). Example: If you made a 77%, 86%, 92%, and 60%, your one-pager grade would be a 79%. 2 nd grade: Informal Book Talk Genre Reading Journey
Novel Study We will have a mixture of in class reading and at- home reading (weekly details in the newsletter). Vocabulary Maps will be homework Vocab Quizzes over Vocabulary Maps Annotation and Close Reading skills Our Librarian is selling Wonder for $14 in the Rotunda tonight!
Grading * *40% Grades: consist of daily work, quizzes, etc. * 60% Grades: consist of tests, projects, and major written compositions Late Work Policy: * One day late – maximum grade of “90%” * Two days late – maximum grade of “80%” * Three days (+) late - maximum grade of “70%”
Daily Schedule Period 1: 7:55-9:13 Period 2: 9:13-10:31 Period 3: 10:31-11:49 Conference : 12:19-1:37 Period 5: 1:37-2:55 Students can have a snack the first 5 minutes of class! ***No passing period this year.
Contact Information Phone: Conference Period: 12:19 pm -1:37 pm Room #: 725
“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.” ~Clay P. Bedford