Critical Discourse Analysis
Background to critical discourse analysis Whatever genre we are involved in, and whatever the register of the situation, our use of language will also be influenced by our ideological positions: the values we hold (consciously or unconsciously), the biases and perspectives we adopt (Eggins, 2005: 10).
Principles of critical discourse analysis Social and political issues are constructed and reflected in discourse
Principles of critical discourse analysis Power relations are negotiated and performed through discourse
Principles of critical discourse analysis Discourse both reflects and reproduces social relations
Principles of critical discourse analysis Ideologies are produced and reflected in the use of discourse
Principles of critical discourse analysis Critical discourse analysis, by uncovering opaqueness and power relationships, is a form of social action.
Analyzing texts from a critical perspective At the text level GenreFramingForegroundingBackgroundingPresupposition
Analyzing texts from a critical perspective At the sentence level TopicalisationAgencyConnotationsModality
Examples of critical discourse studies Genre (Flowerdew 2004)
Examples of critical discourse studies Framing (Huckin 1997)
Criticisms of critical discourse studies