ABSTRACT CALCULATING THE METER READING BY MANPOWER Inefficient system of billing and collection Less efficient, error prone and costly CALACULATING THE METER READING USING GSM Provides billing details on merely giving a miss call Project comprises of GSM module SIM-300 Works on three predefined frequencies Microcontroller AT89S52 with energy meter to read the units
INTRODUCTION Present power usage reading is done manually Reguires large no of labour operators Long working hours to accomplish the work Printed billing may get lost Delayed due to bad weather Prone to error Through GSM Electricity used is calculated by energy meter Passed to microcontroller(8051) Then to GSM modem Whole process is error free
COMPONENT USED Microcontroller AT89S52 (8051 family) GSM module SIM 300 Crystal Oscillator MHz Capacitors MAX2332 RS232 Electric meter Power supply Electric Bulb Resistors SOFTWARE USED Keil Proteus
Chapter -2
GSM TECHNOLOGY Handles voice efficiently Support for data and Internet applications is limited Digital nature of GSM Most GSM systems operate in the 900 MHz and 1.8 GHz frequency bands In North America they operate in the 1.9 GHz band GSM divides up the radio spectrum bandwidth by using a combination of (TDMA/FDMA) schemes Fundamental unit of time in this TDMA scheme is called a “burst period” A unique feature of GSM is the Short Message Service (SMS)
GSM NETWORK The Switching System(SS) HLR(Home location register) MSC(Mobile service switching center) VLR(Visitor location register) AUC(Authentication center) EIR(Equipment identity register) MXE(Message center) MSN(Mobile service node) The Base Station System (BSS) BSC(Base station contoller ) BTS(Base transceiver station) The Operation and Support System(OSS)
GSM SPECIFICATION Frequency Band Freq range is( )MHz(Mobile station to Base station) Channel Separation 200KHz(Seperation b/w adjacent carrier freq) Duplex Distance 80MHz (Distance between uplink and downlink frequency) Modulation Done in GSM via GMSK(Gaussian minimum shift keying)
Transmission rate Bit rate of 270 kbps Access Method Uses TDMA concept Several different call may share same carrier Each call is assigned a particular time slot Speech Coder GSM uses LPC(Linear predictive coding) Purpose to reduce bit rate Speech is encoded in 13 Mbps
O PERATING MODES NORMAL MODE GSM/GPRS Sleep GSM Idle GSM Talk GPRS Idle GPRS Data POWER DOWN Shutdown by sending”AT+CPOWD=1” command ALARM MODE RTC alert function launches restricted operation
SIM 300 SIMCOM SIM300 is a module that connects to the specific application SIM300 can be integrated with a wide range of applications It is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS1900 MHz Provides GPRS multi-slot class 10 capabilities Support the GPRS coding schemes CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4 Tiny configuration of 40mm x 33mm x 2.85 mm Can fit almost all the space requirement in our application, such as Smart phone, PDA phone and other mobile device
The physical interface to the mobile application is made through a 60 pins board-to-board connector. The keypad and SPI LCD interface will give you the flexibility to develop customized applications. Two serial ports can help you easily develop your applications. Two audio channels include two microphones inputs and two speaker outputs. This can be easily configured by AT command. SIM300 provide RF antenna interface with two alternatives: antenna connector and antenna pad The SIM300 is integrated with the TCP/IP protocol
SIM300 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAMEI/O DESCRIPTION DC CHARACTERISTICS VBATEight BAT pins of the board-to-board connector are dedicated to connect the supply voltage. The power supply of SIM300 has to be a single voltage source of VBAT= 3.4V...4.5V. It must be able to provide sufficient current in a transmit burst which typically rises to 2A. Mostly, these 8 pins are voltage input. Vmax= 4.5V Vmin=3.4V Vnorm=4.0V
VRTCI/OCurrent input for RTC when the battery is not supplied for the system. Current output for backup battery when the main battery is present and the backup battery in low voltage state. Vmax=2.0V Vmin=1.2V Vnorm=1.8V Inorm= 20uA VDD_EXTOSupply 3.0V voltage for external circuit. By measure this pin, user can judge the system is on or off. When the voltage is low, the system is off. Otherwise, the system is on. Vmax=3.15V Vmin=2.85V Vnorm=3.0V Imax=60mA GNDDigital Ground
P OWER ON OR OFF PWRKEYIVoltage input for power on key. PWRKEY get a low level Voltage for user to power on or power off the system, The user should keep pressing the key for a moment when power on or power off the system. Because the system need margin time assert the software. VILmax=0.3*VBAT VIHmin=0.7*VBAT VImax=VBAT Serial 1 Interface DTRIData terminal readyVILmin=0V RXDIReceive dataVILmax=0.3*VDD_ EXT
TXDOTransmit dataVIHmin=0.7*VDD_EXT RTSIReady to sendVIHmax= VDD_EXT+0.3 CTSOClear to sendVOLmin=GND RIORing indicatorVOLmax=0.2V DCDOData carrier detectionVOHmin= VDD_EXT-0.2 VOHmax= VDD_EXT
Serial 2 Interface DGBTXOSerial interface for debugging and DBGRXICommunication SIM INTERFACE SIM_VDDOVoltage supply for SIM card The voltage can be select by software either 1.8v or 2.8V SIM_I/OI/OSIM data outputVILmin=0V VILmax=0.3*SIM_VDD SIM_CLKOSIM clockVIHmin=0.7*SIM_VDD VIHmax= SIM_VDD+0.3
SIM_PRESENCEISIM card detectionVOLmin=GND VOLmax=0.2V SIM_RSTOSIM resetVOHmin= SIM_VDD-0.2 VOHmax= SIM_VDD AUXADC ADC0IGeneral purpose analog to digital convertor. Input voltage value scope 0V to 2.4V
KEY FEATURES OF SIM300 FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION Power SupplySingle supply voltage 3.4V – 4.5V Power SavingTypical power consumption in SLEEP mode to 2.5mA Frequency Bands SIM300 Tri-band: EGSM 900, DCS 1800, PCS The band can be set by AT COMMAND, and default band is EGSM 900 and DCS Compliant to GSM Phase 2/2+ GSM ClassSmall MS
Transmit Power Class 4 (2W) at EGSM900 Class 1 (1W) at DCS1800 and PCS 1900 GPRS Connectivity GPRS multi-slot class 10 GPRS mobile station class B Temperature Range Normal operation: -20°C to +55°C Restricted operation: -25°C to -20°C and +55°C to +70°C Storage temperature -40°C to +80°C DATA GPRS GPRS data downlink transfer: max kbps GPRS data uplink transfer: max kbps
SMS MT, MO, CB, Text and PDU mode SMS storage: SIM card Support transmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS. User can choose preferred mode. SIM InterfaceSupported SIM Card:1.8V,3V External antennaConnected via 50 Ohm antenna connector or antenna pad Audio FeaturesSpeech codec modes: Half Rate (ETS 06.20) Full Rate (ETS 06.10) Enhanced Full Rate (ETS / / 06.80) Echo suppression Two Serial Interfaces Serial Port 1 Seven lines on Serial Port Interface
Serial Port 1 can be used for CSD FAX, GPRS service and send AT command of controlling module Serial Port 1 can use multiplexing function, but you can not use the Serial Port 2 at the same time; Autobauding supports baud rate from 1200 bps to bps. Serial port 2 Two lines on Serial Port Interface /TXD and /RXD Serial Port 2 only used for transmitting AT command Real Time ClockImplemented Firmware UpgradeFirmware upgradeable over serial interface
MICROCONTROLLER Using 89s52 microcontroller LCD display, MAX232, relays, sensors and power supplies are interfaced with the microcontroller WHY 89S52? Meeting the computing needs of the task efficiently and cost effectively Availability of software development tools
FEATURES 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz Three-level Program Memory Lock 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM 32 Programmable I/O Lines Three 16-bit Timer/Counters Eight Interrupt Sources Full Duplex UART Serial Channel Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode
RS 232 Earlier RS232 was termed as EIA232F Was used as a standard port for communication between different devices. Can be defined as point to point communication between the (DTE) and (DCE). Called a serial port Comes in two different variants of D-style 9 pin(DB 9 connector ) 25 pin(DB 25 connector ) Only three pins are required for communication
MAX 232
AT COMMANDS Derived from the Hayes Command set Set of command-language or instructions Common AT commands include ATD -to instruct the cellular module to make a phone call AT+CMGS -to send a SMS text message AT+GCACT -to get an Internet Protocol (IP) address to start an IP data session Can perform tasks like Reading, writing and deleting SMS messages Sending MS messages Monitoring signal strength Monitoring the charging status Charging level of the battery
A LGORITHM Step1. Connect GSM module to electric meter. Step2. Initiate baud rate and set it to Step3. GSM module is initialized. Step4. User punches his/her number for connecting to his/her energy meter. Step5. The number is then validated. Step7. The data is collected stored in EEPROM. Step8. Bill is sent to users cell phone in the received message. Step9. The user on receiving the message recharges through his/her phone. Step10. Stop
SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION Initially serial data rate is set to 9600 GSM module is initialized Accuracy of GSM modem is tested SMS sent by the user is read Validity of the number is checked As soon as SMS is received an indication for reception is given SMS is received in cell phone indicating that we should make recharge as available balance is very less. Space is made available for new data that is to be received by clearing the old
E XPECTED R ESULT SMS send to meter side from customer SMS received by customer from meter Current meter reading of the customer of each day Monthly calculated bill details SMS
A DVANTAGES Accurate meter reading and billing The consumer is free from maintaining past records The man power is decreased considerably Avoiding the problem of tariff collection No detecting of tampering and theft of power Supports good quality No delay No conversation is required GSM technology makes the working more effective
CONCLUSION Proposed methodology is used to generate prepaid card for usage of electricity Generates the message to the consumers either by day basis or weekly basis as per consumer requirements Will minimize the wastage of electricity and saves the power for future generation GSM network provides Efficient wireless automatic meter reading distribution control and Making fast billing system, accurate, effective and Reduction of labor cost of operation