Europe in the 19 th Century Cool Words Communism – it’s a party! LiteratureImportant Figures “isms” Final Jeopardy
Cool Words 100 A word that signifies a Russian ruler with the divine right to rule. ANSWER
Cool Words 200 The name given to the German parliament ANSWER
Cool Words 300 Karl Marx used this term to refer to the workers or working class. ANSWER
Cool Words 400 This term, associated with capitalism, refers to limited government in the economy. ANSWER
Cool Words 500 This Russian word means workers’ council. ANSWER
Communism – it’s a party! 100 This important communist text was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. ANSWER
Communism – it’s a party! 200 This Russian communist believed that a group of professional revolutionaries was needed to overthrow the monarchy and install a communist government. ANSWER
Communism – it’s a party! 300 Lenin was the leader of this party, which supported the forcible overthrow of the government. ANSWER
Communism – it’s a party! 400 This political group, which was popular in Germany, advocated change through gradual reform, instead of a revolution. ANSWER
Communism – it’s a party! 500 This term, used by Marx and Engels, means the application of Hegel’s theory to the have’s and have not’s of history. ANSWER
Literature 100 This German Romantic writer re-wrote the tale of Dr. Faust. ANSWER
Literature 200 This poet wrote poems such as “The Chimney Sweeper. He also painted imaginative scenes such as these. ANSWER
Literature 300 This Romantic poet used ordinary language to appeal to all people. He explained his theory in Lyrical Ballads and applied it in such poems as I wandered lonely as a cloud. ANSWER
Literature 400 This is the full title of Mary Shelley’s most famous novel. ANSWER
Literature 500 This Nietzsche character is an example of a superman. ANSWER
Important Figures 100 This German statesmen protected the power of conservative Prussia in the newly unified Germany but also introduced many liberal social legislation. ANSWER
Important Figures 200 This Russian tsar emancipated the serfs, earning the moniker “the Liberator.” He also introduced many other reforms. ANSWER
Important Figures 300 This French novelist wrote a famous open letter to the government entitled J’accuse. He accused the French military of framing an innocent Jewish officer named Alfred Dreyfus. ANSWER
Important Figures 400 This Englishmen argued that, since the food supply cannot keep up with population, which grows exponentially, societies will always be plagued by poverty, starvation and disease. ANSWER
Important Figures 500 ANSWER This Austrian minister lead the Congress of Vienna, ensuring that monarchies would retain their power and that Europe would avoid expansionist wars in the future.
“isms” 100 This term means intense patriotism or pride in one’s own country. ANSWER
“isms” 200 This ideology aims at protecting the rights of the individual in relation to the state and in pursuit of economic self-interest. ANSWER
“isms” 300 This text written by Adam Smith is considered the bible of capitalism. ANSWER
“isms” 400 This Englishman used utilitarianism to argue for freedom of speech and more rights for women. ANSWER
“isms” 500 A term that refers to the idealized vision of the political left. Some on the political left, however, such as Karl Marx, tended to see this vision as too fictional. ANSWER
Cool Words 100 tsar RETURN
Cool Words 200 Reichstag RETURN Daily Double
Cool Words 300 proletariat RETURN
Cool Words 400 laissez faire RETURN
Cool Words 500 soviet RETURN
Communism – it’s a party! 100 Communist Manifesto RETURN
Communism – it’s a party! 200 Vladimir Lenin RETURN
Communism – it’s a party! 300 Bolsheviks RETURN
Communism – it’s a party! 400 Social Democrats RETURN
Communism – it’s a party! 500 dialectical materialism RETURN Daily Double
Literature 100 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe RETURN
Literature 200 William Blake RETURN
Literature 300 William Wordsworth RETURN Daily Double
Literature 400 Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus RETURN
Literature 500 Zarahustra RETURN
Important Figures 100 Otto von Bismarck RETURN
Important Figures 200 Alexander II RETURN
Important Figures 300 Emile Zola RETURN
Important Figures 400 Thomas Malthus RETURN
Important Figures 500 Klemens von Metternich RETURN
“isms” 100 nationalism RETURN
“isms” 200 liberalism RETURN
“isms” 300 The Wealth of Nations RETURN
“isms” 400 John Stuart Mill RETURN
“isms” 500 utopian socialism RETURN
Final Jeopardy This invention accelerated the production of cotton in England’s cottage industry and ushered a wave of inventions that coincided with the mechanization of labour. ANSWER
Daily Double Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Wordsworth’s contemporary, wrote this long poem which tells the story of a sailor who kills an albatross. ANSWER
Daily Double Karl Marx was inspired by this German philosopher, who first introduced a theory of dialectics. ANSWER
Daily Double The Rime of the Ancient Mariner RETURN
Daily Double Hegel RETURN
Daily Double Duma RETURN
Daily Double After the 1905 Revolution in St. Petersberg, Nicholas II created a Russian parliament that went by this name. ANSWER
Final Jeopardy The spinning Jenny