Write down everything that you remember from your cheat sheet you made yesterday From memory- what is the Industrial Revolution?
Regional Economies Create Differences
Factories become new center of industry Mass-production - production of goods in large quantities Industrial Revolution - social and economic reorganization that took place as machines replaced hand tools and large-scale factory production
18 th c. First textile factories/ labor saving machines Prosperous = build more factories
From farming/trade(GB, Europe, West Indies) To Industry & Manufacturing
1.) Thomas Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807 Prohibited Americans from shipping goods to Europe 2.) War of 1812 British navy blockaded US coastline
Ppl depended heavily on shipping & foreign trade Mainly women worked in factories
NORTHSOUTH Mainly Industry & Markets Smaller farms Slavery dying out Mainly Agriculture Cotton Gin - makes cotton King in South Very profitable Expanded Slavery
1820’s slavery expands b/c of cotton’s value 700,000 to 1,200,000 (slaves)
Madison wants to unite the country and create a strong, stable economy..make the US self- sufficient 1.) develop transportation systems & make internal improvements 2.) Establish protective tariff 3.) Resurrect the national bank * North and South use each other..an exchange of goods*..US can be free of dependence from other countries!
1.)Turnpikes 2.)National Road – from MD to IL 3.)Erie Canal- linked Hudson River to Lake Erie
Tariff of 1816 (tax) on imported goods encouraged ppl to buy American made goods & would help pay for roads, canals, lighthouses Bank of US - make a national currency “Era of Good Feelings”