Completing EC Timesheets: Step by Step A. Basic Information STEP 1. Insert NameSTEP 2. Insert your department name STEP 3. Insert relevant month
B. Adapt Template to Calendar Month Note: UCL Research Services will be happy to supply a tailored template for each ECGA reporting period, but it is possible to adapt your template to the month in question if necessary. Where the template has not been tailored to the relevant months for you, there will be ‘non-days’ on the date line – please ensure that none of your time is entered under these ‘non-days’. STEP 4. Insert relevant dates for the first week of the month by filling in the yellow cells. The remainder of the date line auto fills.
The EC project type from which your salary is paid determines under which section(s) 1 to 3 on the timesheet your EC time should be recorded: Collaborative projects The nature of your EC funded activities will be organised into work packages (WPs) and these work packages will fall under activity types. These activity types correspond to sections 1 to 3 of the timesheet template (RTD, Management, Other). Therefore, if you are funded by a collaborative grant please consult the Description of Work of the ECGA for your project prior to filling out your timesheet. UCL’s personnel budget for the project will be split according to these activities too, therefore your time will need to be shown under the relevant EC activity as UCL must claim your pay costs from the appropriate EC activity budget. ERC & Marie Curie projects The personnel budget for these projects is generally not organised into WPs or activity types, therefore in general time should be recorded under section 1 ‘Research – RTD’. Where Principle Investigator time is being claimed, hours can be recorded under ‘Research – RTD’ and section 2 ‘Management’ as appropriate.
C. Enter your hours per Project, WP (where applicable) and Activity Type STEP 5. Enter the project Acronym (‘EUROTIME’ in this example) and UCL project code (ABCD in this example) in the ‘Project Name/Code’ field STEP 6. From the dropdown menu on the timesheet template, choose the Work Package that your work is attached to STEP 7. Enter a brief description of the task(s) associated with the WP for which you are recording time (It is possible to split WPs into separate tasks if appropriate, simply start a new row for each task and repeat steps 5 & 6). STEP 8. Enter your hours per day. In this example all of the researcher’s time is dedicated to one work package of one EC project and s/he is 100% dedicated to the project. Note: All total columns and rows auto-calculate on the timesheet template.
E. Enter your absences for the month (if any) STEP 9. Enter Annual Leave on the dedicated row in the ‘Absences’ section using the standard 7.5 hours per day STEP 10. Enter Illness days on the dedicated row in the ‘Absences’ section using the standard 7.5 hours per day STEP 11. Enter Public Holidays & UCL closed days on the ‘Other’ row in the ‘Absences’ section using the standard 7.5 hours per day
F. Verify ‘Total Hours’ STEP 12. Check that the total hours on the bottom of the timesheet are correct: What to check for: If you are 100% FTE, a minimum of the standard working hours per day (as determined by your UCL Contract of Employment) should appear in each cell corresponding to a valid calendar day. If you are less than 100% FTE, your total hours per week should reflect the % FTE stated on your UCL Contract of Employment (incl. leave and days when UCL is closed). Note: The ‘Total Hours’ row auto-calculates so if there appears to be an error please recheck your inputs.
G. Authorise the timesheets by month STEP 13. Once your timesheets are complete, please enter your name and position, and that of the Principal Investigator of the EC project STEP 14. Print the monthly timesheets, sign and date and request the authorisation signature. Forward the signed copy either via internal mail or in PDF version via to the Research Finance Administrator for your department.
Timesheet Checklist