WHAT’S CHANGING? WHAT’S CHANGING? KCTCS PAYROLL Electronic timesheets through PeopleSoft employee self- service will replace the paper timesheet process Employees will only be entering hours worked on the electronic timesheet Overtime will be calculated automatically by the system based on the number of working hours the employee enters for the work week
All leave time (vacation, sick, jury duty, bereavement, etc.) will continue to be reported through paper forms No changes at all to payroll process for exempt employees Due dates for timesheets each period will remain the same as the current process WHAT’S STAYING THE SAME KCTCS PAYROLL
HR and Payroll Go-Live with 04/01/2016 – 04/15/2016 entry period (4/30 pay date) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN KCTCS PAYROLL
COMPLETING THE TIMESHEET KCTCS PAYROLL Log into PeopleSoft HRMS Access timesheet through self-service Home – Self Service – Time Reporting – Report Time – Timesheet Calendar period (pay period) will be default “view by” Enter the date for the period you wish to enter time for Enter the number of hours you worked on the day you worked them Do not enter any exception time (vacation, sick, etc) Any OVT or HOT will calculate automatically after time administration process runs
COMPLETING THE TIMESHEET – 2 KCTCS PAYROLL Click “Save for Later” to save time entered or click “Submit” to submit time to your supervisor for approval Click ok to certify hours worked Employees can review the Payable Time tab to see how reported hours will be paid after rounding and rules are applied
ABSENCE REPORTING KCTCS PAYROLL Timesheets are separate from Absence Management. Currently, absence reporting will not change; employees should continue to submit paper absence forms to report exception time. Absence forms should be submitted as soon as possible, even for future period absences. Time administrators (payroll staff) will enter exception time onto employees timesheets so that it will be viewable as read only when the employee views the timesheet.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS KCTCS PAYROLL Only enter actual working hours on the timesheet. Do not enter zero hours for a day you didn’t work. Do not enter Holiday or IC hours. Users will receive a notification that they have entered working hours on a HOL or IC day to verify hours worked. Payroll staff will be available to assist employees with timesheet submission during go-live period.
TIME ENTRY DEMO KCTCS PAYROLL Live PeopleSoft Demonstration of Self-Service Time Entry