Green Fingers Music Weather & Plant theme songs. PE Specialist PE Coaches will be covering: § master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing.


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Presentation transcript:

Green Fingers Music Weather & Plant theme songs. PE Specialist PE Coaches will be covering: § master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities RE What can I do for others? Investigate how the commandment of Jesus to "love God and love your neighbour as yourself" is expressed in the stories from the Gospels and suggest how they might interpret Jesus' commandment in their own lives. Make links between Jesus' commandment to 'love your neighbour' and their own attitiudes and behaviour and those of others. Science Plants – find out the different parts of a plant, discover what plants need to survive and grow some seeds. Trips & Workshops: I am hoping to take the children to an owl sanctuary or get a nocturnal themed workshop to come to school. More details coming soon. If you are free to help out in class please let us know. Special Days Computing Identifying § recognise common uses of information technology beyond school Art & DT Focus artist – Andy Warhol Find out about his style and techniques. Recreating some of his famous pieces. Compare them to other artists. Geography Around our school § use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. English Improving sentences Self checking and editing writing Learning terminology words linked to grammar, punctuation and spelling, spelling rules and homographs. Writing letters, poems and explanation texts. Maths Problems solving weekly Place Value, Addition, Multiplication, Times tables, counting in multiples of 10s,2s,5s,and 3s. Turns (right angles, half, whole, ¾)

Welcome back Class 2! I hope you all enjoyed the long Easter break. Our new topic for this term is Green Fingers/Gardening. We will have a go at growing some seeds in class, whilst seeing what plants need to survive. As well as, try to recognise common flowers and trees around our school. Special Days/Trips As you know our trip to Eastnor Castle is on Monday 18 th April, please make sure you have returned the letter to the office. Refer to the trip letter for things that will be needed on the day. Homework – As we are focusing on improving spelling, there will be a list of 10 spellings for your child to learn. It is really important that they do not see it as just remembering the set of words for the test and then it doesn’t matter how they are spelt. They will be expected to write the word in a short sentence in the test so ideally practice the word (using the look,cover,write check sheets) then practice applying the correct spelling when writing. We are encouraging children to spell with their eyes not their ears – ask them does it look right rather than use your sounds. (w-u-n d-ai = one day) Use little sayings to help remember the letters (said – six ants in danger/ because – big elephants can always understand small elephants). You can have as many reading books per week as you would like, please feel free to change your books before or after school. Children will have a colour sticker on the front of their reading record book so you know which books are the right level for your child. Remember to record when you have read at home as I award a merit for each time. Children will be given a times tables to practise at home. By the end of Key Stage 1 children should know their 10, 2 and 5 times tables as well as knowing their name. They will be expected to know them in any order. Once these are mastered they can go on to learn the other tables. We are now learning the tables up to 12 – eg 12 x5=60. Once these are mastered they will begin to learn the division facts to match (6 x 2=12 therefore 12 ÷ 2 = 6 and 12 ÷ 6 = 2). Remember to check for games and activities on the active learn site, try to collect as many coins as you can to spend! Other information Please ensure your child’s belongings are clearly named, including PE kit (clothes/daps) and water bottles. Anything unnamed and unclaimed by a child will be placed in lost property (under display table at main reception). If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me at school or via Many thanks Miss Rock