| pagina 1/x | Afdeling Communicatie Engaging younger generations in the Netherlands Social and Economic Council and its parties
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Age of council members SER Average age: 54 Age of oldest member: 68 Age of youngest member: 25
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Cp. age of members of parliament House of representatives (2e kamer) Average age: 45 Oldest member: 66 Youngest member: 23 Senate (1e kamer) Average age: 56 Oldest member: 75 Youngest member: 28
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Issues Pensions - Pensioenopstand.nl: young affiliations of all political parties resist the pension agreement of the Labour Foundation Labour market - Insiders vs. Outsiders / flexicurity - Youth unemployment relatively low, but higher than average Housing market Education - Access, quality and affordability Younger generations demand to be heard
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Activities SER (1) Engaging younger generations in SER-projects: Specific projects - Niet de afkomst maar de toekomst - young migrants in the labour market, advice Maatschappelijke stages - social internships, report Toekomstperspectief arbeidsmarkt jongeren - future labour market for younger generations, no advice Combined congresses with organisations of young people: - National Youth Council - Future Leaders Event
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Activities SER (2) Telling younger generations about social dialogue: Lectures on schools (chairman) Reception of schools and groups of students at the SER Prize for best thesis Thesis service on website SER Other activities: Summer school 2009, for young professionals at ESCs and similar organisations (with AICESIS, next year: China) Jong SER: network of young personnel of SER-secretariat Explicit room for internships within organization
| Alexander Rinnooy Kan | Engaging younger generations in NL Activities employers / trade unions Special units for / focus on younger generations: FNV Jong (network) CNV Jongeren (trade union) Some of issues: - minimum wage for under 23, flexworkers, internships, youth unemployment, education, discrimination, pensions Jong Management (association) - exchanging knowledge and experience - help members to contribute to social developments