Welsh Phrases for the Workplace
The following slides provide useful Welsh phrases with the phonetic pronunciation that can be used in every day conversation. In the pronunciation a bold type has been used for where the stress is, and an English word that sounds the same where possible. Welsh [Phonetic Pronunciation] English
Bore Da [Bore-reh dah] Good morning
Nos Da [no star] Good Night
Pwy sy 'na? [pooee see nah?] Who's there?
Croeso [kroy-so] Welcome
Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg [doo een dusky kum-raeeg] I'm learning Welsh
Eto os gwelwch yn dda [et-to oss gooelooch unn thah] Again please
Siaradwch yn araf os gwelwch yn dda [shar-raddooch unn arr-av oss goo- eh-looch unn thah] Please speak slowly
Prynhawn da [pnaoon dah] Good afternoon
Diolch [dee-olch] Thanks
Sut dych chi? [should duch chee?] How are you?
Ga i helpu? [gah ee hell-pee?] May I help?
Estyniad 263 os gwelwch yn dda [es-tin-yahd dai chwehch tree oss goo-eh-looch unn thah] Extension 263 please
Daliwch y lein os gwelwch yn dda [dall-yooch er line oss goo-eh- looch unn thah] Hold the line please
Ydy Mrs Bridgman yma os gwelwch yn dda? [uddy Mrs Bridgman ymmah oss goo-eh-looch unn thah?] Is Mrs Bridgman here please?
Ga i siarad â Mrs Bridgman? [gah ee shar-rad ah Mrs Bridgman?] May I speak to Mrs Bridgman?
Ga i'ch helpu chi? [gah eech hell-pee chee?] May I help you?
Ydy Mrs Johns i mewn? [uddy Mrs Johns mehwn?] Is Mrs Johns in?
Ga i siarad â Mrs Johns? [gah ee shar-rad ah Mrs Johns?] May I speak to Mrs Johns?
Ga i'ch helpu chi? [gah eech hell-pee chee?] May I help you?
Ydy Mrs Johns i mewn? [uddy Mrs Johns mehwn?] Is Mrs Johns in?
Dydy Mrs Johns ddim ar gael [duddy Mrs Johns thimm ahr guile] Mrs Johns isn't available
Dydy hi ddim yma [duddy hee thimm ymmah] She isn't here
Beth yw'ch rhif ffôn chi? [behth uwch reeve phone chee?] What is your telephone number?
Ble mae'r dderbynfa os gwelwch yn dda? [bleh mire there-bun-vah oss goo- eh-looch unn thah?] Where is the reception please?
Ewch yn syth ymlaen [ehooch unn seeth umm-line] Go straight ahead
Esgusodwch fi, os gwelwch yn dda! [ess-giss-oh-dooch vee, oss goo- eh-looch unn thah!] Excuse me please!
Sut dych chi'n dweud...? [should duch cheen dwayed…?] How do you say...?
Dw i ddim yn deall [doo ee ddimm unn deeall] I don't understand
Beth yw'r gair Cymraeg am.....? [behth ehwr gaeer kum-raeeg am…..?] What's the Welsh word for.....?
Siaradwch yn uwch, os gwelwch yn dda! [shar-rad-ooch unn uwch oss goo- eh-looch unn thah!] Please speak louder!
Dych chi'n gallu ail-ddweud.....? [duch cheen gallee aisle dwayed…?] Can you repeat.....?
Beth yw..... yn Gymraeg? [behth uw … unn gumm-raeeg?] What's..... in Welsh?
Ble mae'r cyfarfod.....? [bleh mire kuv-ahr-vodd.....?] Where is the.....?
Trowch i'r chwith! [trohwch eer chweeth!] Turn left!
Trowch i'r dde! [trohwch eer ddeh!] Turn right!
Rhaid i fi fynd! [ride ee vee vinnd!] I must go!
Mae'n ddrwg 'da fi [mine throog dah vee] I'm sorry
Dw i ddim yn gwybod [doo ee thimm unn gwee-bodd] I don't know
Beth yw'r dyddiad heddiw? [behth uwr duthyad heth-ewe?] What's the date today?
Wrth gwrs! [oohrth goohrss!] Of course!
Gwela i chi! [gweh-lah ee chee!] I'll see you!
Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw? [should mire taoo-with heth-ewe?] What's the weather like today?
Mae'n fendigedig! [mine venn-dig-eh-dig!] It's splendid!
Mae'n ddiflas [mine dee-vlass] It's miserable
Weithiau [waeeth-yaee] Sometimes
'Dw i'n meddwl [dween meth-ool] I think
Hwyl fawr [hooeel vaoor] Bye
Hwyl am y tro [hooeel amm uh troh] Bye for now
Gan bwyll [gann booeell] Hold on/slow down
Gâd e fod [gahd eh vohd] Leave it alone/Let it be
Na drueni [nah dree-yen-ni] There's a shame/What a pity
Co' bach [koh bahch] USB stick
Beth yw..... ? [behth uw.....?] What is..... ?
Dyma fe! [dum-mah veh!] Here it is!
Beth yw'ch enw chi? [behth uwch en-nw chee?] What is your name?
Wyt ti eisiau help? [ooeet tee eeshah help?] Do you want help?
Beth wyt ti'n wneud? [bayth ooeet teen neighed?] What are you doing?
Erbyn Saith o'r gloch [err-bin saeeth ore glowch] By seven o clock
Faint o'r gloch yw hi? [vaeent ore glowch uw hee?] What time is it?
Dwi'n mynd i Gaerdydd [dween minnd ee gaeer-deeth] I'm going to Cardiff
Mae hi'n un o'r gloch [my heen een ore glowch] It's one o clock
Daw eto haul ar fryn [daoo et-to haeel ar vrinn] Things will get better
Chi/Ti'n gwbod be' sy' 'da fi [cheen/teen goo-bodd bay see dah vee] You know what I mean
Dwi'n mwynhau dysgu Cymraeg [dween mooeen-high Dusky kum- raeeg] I'm enjoying learning Welsh
For further information relating to the availability of Welsh courses at Coleg Gwent, please contact: Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre