Port of Amsterdam is a company of the city of Amsterdam Rob Smit / Jan Egbertsen 01 september 2009 StratMos Port of Amsterdam Rail Port.


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Presentation transcript:

Port of Amsterdam is a company of the city of Amsterdam Rob Smit / Jan Egbertsen 01 september 2009 StratMos Port of Amsterdam Rail Port

2 Agenda  Introduction Port of Amsterdam  Port strategy  Strategy rail cargo

3 Amsterdam Region

4 Port of Amsterdam

5 2006/2005: + 13% Cargo flow (in mlj ton) : +16% : +70%

6 Inhoud  Introduction Port of Amsterdam  Port strategy  Strategy rail cargo

77 Ambitions  Port: regional economic development and employment  2020: top most sustainable and innovative Ports

88 Economy en employment  Growth 65,4 mln (2007) => 125 mln (2020) => 170 mln (2040)  Growth direct employment: 15 procent. (= jobs) (2005 – 2020)  Growth direct added value: 20 procent (= € 790) (2005 – 2020)  Innovation, education, scientific research

9 Selective growth  Criteria new companies / expansions existing companies? - employment - added value - sustainable development / intermodal transport  No LNG, No refining  Coal and oil products: growth intensive use existing terminals

10 Space  Restructururing since lease: 473 ha - restructuring: 321 ha  Growth 2020 on existing port area  2020 – 2040: expansion possibilities Houtrak or Wijkermeer

11 Sustainable development  Selective lease new companies  Cleaner ships  Wind energy and Bio-energie  Sustainable intermodal transport (barge, rail, short sea)  Modal shift: 55% road (2006) => 40% (2020)  Fund for sustainability and innovation: € 2 mln year.

12 Accessibility  Sea Locs  Rail  Road  Inland waterways  Intermodal and innovation ICT

13 Growth cargo flows sea GE scenario 2040 GE scenario oilproducts coal Agribulk Dry Bulk Containers Other Total / 170

14 Modal split Port of Amsterdam 2006 (mln. ton) Sea Rail Road Barge 21,737,8 4,01,5 37,7 36,2 61,2 23,1 Modal split: Road: 53% Barge: 43% Rail: 4% Sea : 84,3 mln ton Land: 138,9 mln ton

15 Agenda  Introduction Port of Amsterdam  Port strategy  Strategy rail cargo

16 Cargo hinterland 2006

17 Rail cargo port region (type product, in ton)

18 Rail cargo and infrastructure port of Amsterdam  Target: quality capacity rail infrastructure port and connection national network growth  Prorail: harbour rail network  HA / NS / Prorail: connection harbor rail – terminal  On terminal rail by private companies  Connection Betuweroute  Project rail chain management

19 Rail projects  Second rail connection Westpoort2010  New emplacement Aziëhavenweg2010  Afrikaharbour2010  Extension emplacement Westhavenweg2011  Fly-over Transformatorweg2012 3

20 Betuweroute Amsterdam Rotterdam Geldermalsen Zevenaar Duisburg Utrecht – Geldermalsen 4 tracks

21 Strategy rail cargo Port of Amsterdam  Dry / liquid bulk: –cargo owners organise own traffic, –no direct involvement Port of Amsterdam –besides rail infrastructure  Containers and general cargo: –development intermodal shuttles, –close cooperation Port of Amsterdam, terminals and industry

22 Rail shuttles North Netherlands Shuttle Leeuwarden/ Veendam 1x per week Shuttle Coevorden 1-2 x per week Germany / Tsjechië Shuttle Duisburg 5 x per week Shuttle Aschaffenburg 1 x per week Shuttle Prague 1x per week New shuttles => economic crisis ???

23 Intergral rail chain management  Strong growth rail cargo Port of Amsterdam  New infrastructure can not be only solution (keep on building)  Better use of existing capacity port rail  Improvement fysical quality (lesser delays)  Improvement operationele information between parties in rail chain (Shipping company – terminal – rail cargo operator – shipper – industry)

24 Pilot Integral Rail Chain management Focus  Rail cargo flows Port of Amsterdam Partners  terminals;  5 rail cargo operators;  Keyrail;  Prorail;  Port of Amsterdam

25 Projects  Better information about fysical rail infrastructure in port area (GIS)  Better description of functional tasks and responsibilities different parties in rail (mutual manual)  Optimising Planning integral rail cargo / logistic chain (TRON / ICT planning tool)

26 Concluding (1) Modality (target) Road53%45% Barge43%49% Rail4%6% Rail and inland shipping strategic for sustainable accessibility port – hinterland

27 Concluding (2)  Growth rail 5,5 mln ton (2008) => 7,5 mln ton (2010) => 11 mln ton (2020)  Infrastructure rail: –Betuweroute / 4 tracks Utrecht - Geldermalsen –Rail projects Port of Amsterdam  Development new rail shuttles, intermodal door – to – door solutions => strategic cooperation.  Pilot regional integral rail chain management (lesser costs and better quality for the last mile)