1.Beginning cash balance 2.Cash receipts a.Collection of accounts receivable b.Investment income 3.Cash disbursements a.Payment of accounts payable b.Payment of accrued expenses
4.Ending cash balance 5.Required cash balance (minimum cash balance) 6.Investing surplus cash 7.Covering cash shortage
1. Accelerating collections 2. Stretching payables 3. Tightening credit terms
1. CIA (cash in advance) 2. CBD (cash before delivery) 3. COD (cash on delivery) 4. Cash 5. Standard terms, e.g., 2/10, net 30
1. Trade credit 2. Line of credit - an informal agreement between a bank and a borrower indicating the maximum credit the bank will extend to the borrower 3. Revolving credit agreement – a formal line of credit often used by large firms (commitment fee)
4. Pledging accounts receivable – the use of accounts receivable as collateral against a loan 5. Factoring accounts receivable - the sale of accounts receivable 6. Issue commercial paper – an unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of 1 to 270 days; issued by large corporations to meet short term liabilities 7. New note from owner/corporate officer