Wet Sheet Pack Indications: (1-st stage, 5-12 min.) - Reduces fever
Wet Sheet Pack Indications: (2-nd stage (neutral), 1 hour) - Insomnia - Restlessness - Nervous exhaustion - Nervous indigestion - Epilepsy
Wet Sheet Pack Indications: (3-rd stage, 1-2 hours) -Bronchitis -Colds, flu -Obesity -Alcoholism -Nicotine poisoning
Heating Compresses
The Heating Compress Apply a cold, wet cloth to a throat, abdomen, feet or joint. Insulate with a dry cloth. Leave compress on for several hours or overnight. Apply a cold, wet cloth to a throat, abdomen, feet or joint. Insulate with a dry cloth. Leave compress on for several hours or overnight. Procedure:Procedure:
The Heating Compress Indications for throat compress: sore throat LaryngitisTonsillitis Indications for throat compress: sore throat LaryngitisTonsillitis
The Heating Compress Indications for chest compress: BronchitisCoughPneumoniaPleurisy BronchitisCoughPneumoniaPleurisy
The Heating Compress Indications for abdominal compress: Insomnia Chronic indigestion Chronic stomach problems HyperacidityConstipation Nervous exhaustion Indications for abdominal compress: Insomnia Chronic indigestion Chronic stomach problems HyperacidityConstipation Nervous exhaustion
The Heating Compress Indications for abdominal and back compress: Chronic active hepatitis Backache Ulcerative colitis Indications for abdominal and back compress: Chronic active hepatitis Backache Ulcerative colitis
Heating Compresses Indications for joints compress: Painful joints InjuriesStiffness
Steam Inhalation
Benefits From A Hot Fomentation Increases body temperature Improves mobility of white blood cells Relieves internal congestion by shifting blood flow to the skin Relieves muscles spasm by improving blood circulation to the muscle
Benefits From A Hot Fomentation II Relieves joint pain by counter-irritation Relieves pain from internal organs reflexively Promotes sweating Stimulates or sedates according to intensity and duration of application
Contraindications For Hot Fomentations 1.Unconsciousness 2.Paralyzed parts of the body 3.Do not use on the feet of a diabetic 4.Edema or varicose veins 5.Severe blood vessels diseases of extremities
Avoid Hot Applications 1. To areas of bleeding 2. To specific cancerous tumors 3. Acute inflammations 4. Acute joint pain 5. Bleeding ulcers
Natural Therapeutics For Hypertension 1.Heat over the flank and hot foot bath 2.Neutral tub bath 3.Systematic relaxation exercise
Neutral Tub Bath Physiologic effects: 1. Circulation is equalized. 2. Calms the nerves. Indications: 1.Insomnia 2.Anxiety and irritability 3.Chronic diarrhea 4.Multiple neuritis 5. Diseases of heart and blood vessels where more extreme hot or cold cannot be used
Physiology Of Contrast Baths 1.Alternate contraction and dilation of blood vessels 2.Marked increase of blood flow locally and by circulatory reflexes 3.Increased metabolism and healing 4.Increased white blood cell activity
Heating Compresses 1.Sore throat 2.Laryngitis 3. Arthritis (non-acute) Cautions: Be sure it is fastened snugly and that a patient can warm it up within a few minutes;if not, remove it and replace it by a dry heating compress.
Other Treatments That Boost The Immune System Hot bath half bath with cool down Modified chair sweat Cautions: Do not do if patient is a diabetic, debilitated, has heart problems, hypertension, or blood vessel diseases.
Graduated Shower A shower that begins moderately hot (about 102 degrees F), then the temperature is quickly raised to tolerance and is maintain until the patient is ready for the temperature to be gradually lowered. Use after prolonged or vigorous sweating bath when much heat has been communicated to the body.
How To Do A Graduated Shower Make sure patient's feet are warm before entering the shower. 1.Begin at about 102 degrees F. 2.Quickly raise temperature to tolerance. 3.Maintain until patient feels well warms and is ready to welcome the cold.
How To Do A Graduated Shower II 1. Then slowly and gradually lower to 100 F degrees—holding each slight turn of faucet for about 15 seconds. Gradually lower to 94 Degrees F and hold it there for about 1 minute. 2. Continue to cool slowly, but do not chill patient. 3. Dry quickly. Please: no drafts.
Cold Mitten Friction 1.Stimulate circulation of the skin 2.Increase the rate of blood flow 3.Increase white cell activity and antibody production 4.Stimulate Neuromuscular tone 5.Reduces fever 6.Vasomotor tonic
Cold Mitten Friction II 1.Do not do when patient is chilled. 2.Contra-indicated on skin lesions or eruptions. 3.Make sure the patient is warm, especially his feet before the treatment. 4.Only expose one part of the body at a time.
Hydrotherapy is a wonderful branch of medicine. This presentation is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. See your health care professionals.