Word Study With Diverse Learners What? Why? How? 2009 IRA Regional Conference: Branson, MO Presenters: Jenifer Pastore and Brandi Clowers
Word Study is… A developmental study of words and their structure that engages students in hands-on, active learning and promotes critical thinking.
Word Study is not One-size-fits-all An isolated subject Randomly selected words Memorization Weekly lists Spelling rules
Why Word Study? Instruction occurs within the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky,1962) Students learn specific features of words in a systematic and developmental order. Spelling development is closely tied to reading and writing development. Words Their Way,2008
Large core of high frequency words Understanding of simple and complex letter- sound relationships Ability to know and use patterns within words Expanding vocabulary Word solving strategies Skills in using references, resources, and proofreading Core Goals of a Word Study Curriculum ( Fountas and Pinnell, Word Matters, pg. 87)
Our goal is to help children become active word solvers who can recognize words, take them apart or put them together, know what they mean, and connect them to other words- all directed toward reading and writing continuous text. Pinnell & Fountas Word Matters
If we want our students to understand how words work… we need to understand them ourselves.
Alphabet Pattern Meaning Units of letters represent meaning: prefixes, suffixes, Greek roots, Latin stems. Patterns across syllables Sounds /patterns within a syllable Direct sound-letter relationship The Orthographic Structure of Written Words
Stages of Spelling Development
EMERGENT INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS Vocabulary growth and concept development Phonological awareness Alphabet knowledge Letter-sound knowledge Concept of word in print
ALPHABET LETTER-NAME INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS Beginning consonants Ending consonants Short vowels Consonant digraphs Consonant blends Pre-consonantal nasals
WITHIN WORD INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-e (silent e) Other common long-vowel patterns Less common long-vowel patterns Consonant-influenced vowels (r,l,w) Complex consonant clusters Diphthongs and other ambiguous patterns
SYLLABLE AFFIX INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS Inflected endings: Plural and past tense Open- and closed-syllable patterns Vowel patterns in accented syllables Unaccented Vowels Common prefixes Common suffixes Sounded-silent spelling/meaning connections
DERIVATIONAL RELATIONS INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS Consonant alternations in derivationally related pairs Vowels alternations in derivationally related pairs Greek roots Latin roots Predictable changes in derivationally related words Advanced suffixes Absorbed or assimilated prefixes
How do I get started?
Create a classroom environment that fosters word awareness Word rich Read alouds- direct attention to words Wordplay Teach individual words
Assess students to determine developmental and instructional levels Developmental spelling inventory Analyze writing samples What are they using but confusing?
Word study block/small group instruction Work stations /independent working expectations Extended reading groups Organize for instruction. Establish routines, procedures, and student expectations.
Make time to prepare for instruction. Identify the features Become aware of the generalizations Prepare sorts 2-3 activities
Teach word knowledge, not just words. Attention to consistencies Application to other words Show exceptions
Teach word-solving strategies Listening for sounds Using what you know Comparing words Trying it out Using a resource
EXPLORE words OBSERVE students REFLECT on progress ADJUST instruction, grouping, thinking
A systematic routine… every day sorting and categorizing words out of context based upon similarities and differences in sound, pattern, or meaning Working toward automaticity with words: accuracy and speed. Meaningful reading and writing with multiple opportunities to examine words within context.
Don’t forget…Vocabulary
Four-Part Vocabulary Program An explicit, comprehensive plan for vocabulary instruction for all learners that… Provides rich and varied language experiences Teaches individual words Teaches word learning strategies Fosters word consciousness (Graves, 2006)
Text Talk Goals of text talk are… Develop comprehension with open- ending questions Enhance vocabulary development
Teaching Individual Words Context Kid-friendly definition Examples Interaction
Mentor Texts Word choice Strong verbs Descriptive language
Word Walls Content “Instead of…” Collections Word Wall Brainstorms
Brandi Clowers Jenifer Pastore
A final thought… Think BIG. Start small.