SATs Meeting Purpose of the meeting: To explain the SATs process for Year 6 pupils To give ideas for helping your child To answer any questions
Goodbye SATs Hello NCAs Some changes have already been implemented. Tests are likely to be harder in line with the new National Curriculum.
National Curriculum Assessment The tests will provide information about how your child is progressing, compared to children the same age nationally. There are changes to the tests this year at both key stages. This is because the tests are based on the new national curriculum, which your child has been taught since September 2014.
Key Stage 2 The main changes to the tests this year are: The inclusion of questions to assess new areas of core subjects in the national curriculum your child has been taught. A new arithmetic test to check your child is progressing with the fundamentals of mathematics.
Timetable DateTestPaper Monday 9 th May Reading Test 1 paper Tuesday 10 th May Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 2 papers: spelling; punctuation and grammar (including vocabulary) Wednesday 11 th May Mathematics 2 papers: arithmetic; mathematical reasoning Thursday 12 th May Mathematics 1 paper: mathematical reasoning
Year 6 Second week in May (9 th May 2016) NCA police You will receive test results for your child in English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. There is no test for English writing; this will be reported using teacher assessment. You will also receive separate teacher assessment judgements for English reading, mathematics and science
No more levels Mathematics: 3 maths papers 1 arithmetic paper: 30 minutes 2 reasoning papers, both non-calculator 40 minutes each
English 1 Reading Comprehension paper (1 hour) The reading booklet will contain three texts, the children have been taught to read and answers questions text by text. 1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test Part 1: grammar, punctuation and vocabulary – 45 minutes Part 2: spelling – approximately 15 minutes Writing assessments are now being teacher assessed but maybe externally moderated
No levels mean no level 6 As levels no longer exist children who maybe working at a higher level will now be judged on their test score. Scores (predicted): BARE-Below Age Related Expectations ARE – At Age Related Expectations AARE – Above Age Related Expectations Each test paper will have differentiated questions and (we believe) the questions will increase in difficulty as the children work through the answer booklets.
How to help your child 15 minutes of reading per day to help build stamina Constant practising of tables Real life problems: handling money, time, timetables, weights and measures Reinforcing spelling rules Little and often – no last minute panic! No wild parties the weekend before and plenty of rest and early nights during SATs week!☺
Science Will be tested this year Some schools are randomly chosen for sampling. We have been chosen to take part in this year’s sampling.