Phonics at St Thomas More
Aim: To share information about:. How phonics is taught at STM.. The basic terminology used.. The stages in phonic learning.
What is phonics? The process of – recognising the sounds that each individual letter makes – Recognising the sounds that combinations of letters makes. – blending these sounds together from left to right to make a word. – Segmenting a word into sounds and recognise the letters or combination of letters that make that sound.
Terminology Phoneme Grapheme –Digraph (ay, ee, oo, oa,) –Trigraph (igh, ear, ure) –Split digraph (a-e, i-e, o-e) –GPC (Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence)
Terminology High Frequency Words: Decodable ie: that about help Not Decodable (tricky words) have what
More Terminology VC words (at it) CVC words (cat sat sit fun box) CCVC words (trap stop) CVCC words (help hump bent)
Skills: Oral Blending Blending
Oral Segmenting Segmenting
Letters and Sounds – D of E programme – structured framework – 6 phases
Daily Phonics Nursery : Exploring Sounds Reception and KS1: – 20 minutes discrete daily lessons – Phase 2, 3, 4, 5 – Year 2 teaches Phase 6 – Opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge. KS2: – Phase 6 continues
Phonemes There are 44 sounds in the English Language Important that they are pronounced in a pure way.
flmnrsvzshthng nk bcdghjpqutwxych k aeiouayeeighow oo arorairirouoy
Graphemes There are more than 150 graphemes
…spelling and reading would be much easier! play mayk trayn cafay strayt wayt brayk green dreem kee hee happee light kight fligh igh tigh blow smowk flowt gow mowst moon broot bloo groo
Mr Hough How would you pronounce his name? Hough as in cough? Hough as in plough? Hough as in through? Hough as in thorough? Hough as in dough? Hough as in though?
flmnrsvzshthng nk ff ph ll le mm mb nn kn rr wr ss se c ce vezz s ti ci bckck dghjpqutwxych bbck ch ddggg ge dge ppttwhtch aeiouayeeighow eaa-e ai y ea e i-e ie i o-e oa o oo arorairirouoyireearure u-e ue ew oor ore aw au areur er owoi
Letters and Sounds Six Phases
Phase 1 Nursery Split in to 7 aspects: – Environmental Sounds – Instrumental Sounds – Body percussion – Rhythm and rhyme – Alliteration – Voice Sounds – Oral blending and segmenting
Phase 1 Aims To develop speaking & listening skills To hear, recognise & begin to differentiate sounds in the environment, sounds made by body, mouth and musical instruments To show awareness of rhyme and alliteration. Exploring sounds in words Begin to orally blend and segment words Phonemes
PHASE 2 Beginning of systematic, high quality phonic work Short discrete multi-sensory daily sessions Introduction of grapheme – phoneme correspondences. Decoding for reading & encoding for spelling reversible processes
Set 1satp Set 2inmd Set 3gock Set 4ckeur Set 5hbf ffl llss
Blending and segmenting
Captions for practising blending in phase 2
Phase 2 High Frequency Words
Phase Three Letter Progression
Phase Three Set 6:jvwx Set 7: yz zz qu Set 8:chshthng
Phase Three Set 9aieeighoa Set 11arairear Set 10oioo ow Set 11erurorure
Blending and Segmenting digraphs and trigraphs sound buttons
Phase 4 CCVC words CVCC words
Phase 5
eaawoeo-e ayoywha-e ieewuei-e ouirphe-e auu-e
Alternative Pronunciations fin find hot cold cow blow eat bread
Graphemes ay ai a-e a ey ea aigh eigh
Screening What is phonic screening and what does it involve?
Phase 6 At the start of Phase Six of Letters and Sounds, children will have already learnt the most frequently occurring grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs) in the English language.
Alien Words
How can you help your child with phonics at home? Draw attention to a variety of sounds around you. Ensure that you are pronouncing the phonemes correctly. Encourage the children to blend and segment. Encourage them to read and read to them!