Year 2 Transition to KS2 Information Evening Tuesday, 7 th July :30pm
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O Independence - Children will line up in the playground, wait for their teacher to collect them and then make their own way to the classroom in the morning. O After school they will make their own way out of school to meet their parents in a place already arranged or walk home on their own. O Snacks – All Key Stage 1 children receive a piece of fruit / vegetables daily. Key Stage 2 children may bring a healthy snack from home or purchase from the school dining room. (Healthy snack – fruit, cereal bar, bread sticks)
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O Afternoon break – Key Stage 1 children have an afternoon break (10 minutes), KS2 do not have an afternoon break. O Subject specialist teaching – In Key Stage 1 teachers do sometimes teach other classes. In Key Stage 2 subject specialists will teach every class throughout the week / half term (Art / ICT / PE / MFL / Music)
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O Reading – All children in each class throughout the school take part in a guided reading session each week for minutes. This is a national arrangement. O Individual Reading – In Key Stage 1 the more able children are not heard on a frequent basis. In Key Stage 2 the same applies to all children UNLESS the teacher feels that they need it.
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O Phonics – Children in Key Stage 1 take part in a focussed daily phonics session. ALL children in KS2 will receive a daily spelling/phonic sessions each week. Children will be grouped according to spelling ability. Your child may not be taught by his/her class teacher for these sessions. O Exercise books – Key Stage 2 have more subject specific books. O Marking / Feedback – Whole school approach – based upon pupil ability not age.
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O Homework – We use homework diaries in Key Stage 2. Homework will usually be set on a daily basis but this could vary depending on events taking place in school. O Parents should check homework diaries daily to see what has been set. Please ensure these are signed at the end of each week as teachers will check these on a Monday.
Expectations on entering Year 3. O Know date of birth O Know full postal address O Be able to tie own shoe laces O Be able to tell the time.
HWK Timetable O Set on daily basis - HWK Timetable. Occasional changes to the HWK timetable may be made depending on events taking place in school. O Guidelines – Approx. 1.5 hours per week O Late or incomplete homework - This will lead to a missed break time that day - children expected to complete task in their break-time. O Expectations & Standard – HWK expected to be completed to same high standard as classwork
Weekly Homework Activities O Tables / Number Bonds set every week O Literacy (sometimes Reading Comprehension) – One recorded piece every week. O Numeracy – One written piece per week O Daily reading O Weekly spelling O Topic / Science – oral, practical or written.
Differences between Key Stages 1 & 2 O No Homework – if a child fails to complete a homework task then the teacher may make them miss their play to complete it. O Homework is often used within the next days lessons. O Extra Curricular Clubs – These are all based on year groups or Key Stage. O PE Kits – Please bring in on a MONDAY and take home on a FRIDAY.
Curriculum O The children receive a broad and balanced curriculum in both Key Stages. O Core curriculum subjects are personalised according to ability. O Topics across the school are always class based with a subject focus. O Science – Science topics are always revisited as children progress through the school
Assessment O Formative assessment – This is the same in both Key Stages. Children are assessed regularly on their work and contributions in class. Their levels and progress are reported and discussed with the Headteacher termly. O Summative assessment – Children in KS2 are formally assessed ( National Tests) twice a year, usually in January/February and May/June. Teachers will test children half termly.