Strategaethau Prawfddarllen Strategies for Proofreading
Edrychwch ar eich gwaith efo meddwl agored Look at your work with an open mind Be ready to make changes. Be ready to put in the time and effort. Leave yourself plenty of time to examine your writing. Keep your reader in mind at all times – who are they? Who is your audience? Byddwch yn barod i wneud newidiadau. Byddwch yn barod i dreulio amser yn edrych ar eich gwaith ac i wneud eich gorau glas. Gadewch ddigon o amser i edrych dros eich gwaith. Cadwch eich darllenwyr mewn cof bob amser – pwy ydyn nhw? Pwy ydi’ch cynulleidfa?
Dylid prawfddarllen fesul cam Proofread in stages Examine the content. – have I answered the question? 2. Examine the organization of ideas – does the order make sense ? 3. Examine the mechanics – is sentence structure, spelling, grammar correct? Edrychwch ar y cynnwys – ydw i wedi ateb y cwestiwn? 2. Edrychwch ar drefn eich syniadau – ydi hi’n gwneud synnwyr? 3. Edrychwch ar yr agweddau technegol – ydi strwythur y brawddegau, y sillafu, yr atalnodi a’r ramadeg yn gywir?
Wrth werthuso traethawd, defnyddiwch restr wirio Use an Essay Evaluation Checklist Have I introduced my topic? Do my paragraphs answer the criteria in the brief? Do my sentences make sense? Is my spelling and grammar correct ? To find other essay evaluation checklists, do an Internet search. Search ‘essay evaluation checklist’ – or create your own!! Ydw i wedi cyflwyno fy mhwnc? Ydi’r paragraffau’n bodloni meini prawf y brîff? Ydi fy mrawddegau’n gwneud synnwyr? Ydi fy sillafu a’r ramadeg yn gywir? Chwiliwch am ragor o restri gwirio traethodau ar y rhyngrwyd. Chwiliwch am ‘essay evaluation checklist’ – neu lluniwch eich rhestr eich hun!!
Wrth werthuso traethawd, defnyddiwch restr wirio Use an Essay Evaluation Checklist Organisation Spelling Grammar Punctuation Content Writing style Convey meaning Sentence structure Typing errors Trefn Cynnwys Cyfleu gwybodaeth Gwallau teipio Sillafu Gramadeg Atalnodi Strwythur brawddegau Arddull
Cynghorion a thechnegau eraill Other tips and techniques ● Read your essay aloud : Hearing your written words may help you “hear” errors. ● Use your electronic spelling and grammar checker – but be aware of homophones (words spelled correctly but used wrongly – e.g. Wear is the library? ) ● Get someone else to read your work – and you read their work - a fresh pair of eyes on a piece of work can spot little errors quicker. ● Darllenwch eich traethawd yn uchel : gall clywed eich geiriau ysgrifenedig eich helpu i ‘glywed’ camgymeriadau. ● Defnyddiwch wiriwr sillafu a gwiriwr gramadeg electronig – ond gofalwch rhag ofn na fyddant yn adnabod geiriau bob tro. ● Gofynnwch i rywun arall ddarllen eich gwaith – a darllenwch chithau eu gwaith nhw - weithiau gall pâr arall o lygaid sylwi ar fân gamgymeriadau yn gynt.
Y Cam Nesaf / The Next Step If you want to learn more, contact your Learning Centre to arrange further study skills support. Os hoffech wybod rhagor, cysylltwch â’ch Canolfan Ddysgu i drefnu cymorth pellach efo’ch sgiliau astudio.