Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the study of matter at molecular level of order nanometers.
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the study of matter at molecular level of order nanometers. Miniaturizing Manipulating
Why is small good? Lighter less materials to produce Different properties at very small scale Energy efficient Cheaper faster
Nanotechnology applications
Medicine Cheaper medicine Improve the way we diagnose
Manufacturing industry and environment Decrease energy consumption and harmful toxins. Products are manufactured faster, cheaper and easily renewable.
Electronics Faster, lighter and cheaper devices. Job Increase of highly skilled workers
ROBOTICS: Robotics is the study of robots. It is one of the emerging branches of science. Robotics is a highly interdisciplinary field. Most of the large scale industries use assembly line robots. Industrial robotics have emerged as a popular manufacturing methodology in several areas including welding, materials transport, assembly, and spray finishing operations.
CONT’D In practical usage, a robot is a mechanical device which performs automated physical tasks, either according to direct human supervision, a pre-defined program, or a set of general guidelines using artificial intelligence techniques. All robots contain some level of computer programming code. Robots have electrical components which power and control the machinery.
APPLICATIONS: Robots have a wide range of potential applications in manufacturing systems because they are flexible and programmable themselves. Industrial robots are widely used in manufacturing. Military and police organizations can use robots to assist in dangerous situations. Robots can help doctors achieve more precision in the operating room, performing safer, less invasive techniques. Also, we should consider a "robot worker" for those tasks that are hazardous for a human worker. For example - surface treatment with dangerous chemicals and work in the environment that is hazardous.
CONT’D Other applications include toxic waste cleanup, underwater and space exploration, mining, search and rescue, and mine finding. Recently however, robots are finding their way into the consumer market with uses in entertainment, vacuum cleaning, and lawn mowing. Today robots are user-friendly, intelligent, and affordable. The benefits of robots continue to grow as more industries incorporate them.
Artificial Intelligence It is the study and design of intelligent agents that perceive the environment for increasing its chances to make a effective action.
Cont’d Research in this fields includes a lot of technical and specialized skills, reasoning, knowledge, innovation and also logic. We are in a very premature level in the development of AI, but the increase in research and experimentation has been exponential in the past decade.
History of AI The research and development in AI started in a conference in Dartmouth College in the summer of The important people in the conference were John McCarthy, Allen Newell, Marvin Minsky and Herbert Simon. John McCarthy is the one who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence”.
Basic Concept of AI To create an agent for a specific task we need to first create what is called a “World Model”. Then a list of actions the agent can make should be listed as “Action Space”. The kind of things the agent can perceive should be listed as “Percept Space”. This includes perceptions like touch, temperature, vision, feeling of height etc.,
Cont’d The agent now is placed in the world model. The basic thing what we need from the agent is to perceive its environment and make an action accordingly. This actions it takes should be rational and also should be efficient. For this it should follow what is called “Limited Rationality”.
Limited Rationality It means “ acting in the best way you can subject to meet the computational constraints that you had”. Limited Rationality is useful as rationality depends on perspective.
Applications of AI It is used in the fields of Computer science, Finance, Medicine, Heavy industry, Gaming, Transportation, Aviation etc., However, due to the AI effect, many AI applications are not perceived as AI: “A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it's not labelled AI anymore.”AI effect
Conclusion The collective knowledge of Robotics, Nanotechnology and AI are interwoven with each other. It could lead to a great leap in medical research where Nano bots so programmed to read the antigen on the viruses body and large scale bots so programmed to create proteins to dissolve these antigens, so as to kill the virus and making the individual healthy again.