Characteristics, Respiration, Reproduction & Camouflage
Open the given hyperlink and use the website to answer the following questions: Fill in the missing words in the following sentences: 1. Reptiles are ____ - blooded creatures. 2. The body of a reptile is covered with ______. Answer the following questions: 3. Explain what reptiles do when their bodies become too warm. 4. Explain what reptiles do when their bodies become too cold.
Open the given hyperlink and use the website to answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: 5. Name 5 creatures the belong to the reptile group. 6. Discuss why reptiles have scales on their bodies and mention if these scales are all the same. State whether the following sentences are true or false. If false, then provide the correct statement. 7. All reptiles are born in the water. 8. Reptiles are born with weak instincts and their parents stay with them for the first 2 years.
Open the given hyperlink and use the website to answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: 9. In your own words, provide a brief description of the Spotted Bush Snake. 10. Compare the diet of the Vine Snake to that of the Spotted Bush Snake. 11. Explain how the breeding process of the Variable Skink differs to that of the Sundevalls Writhing Skink. 12. Mention 5 places that one could visit if you wanted to see the Spotted Thick Toed Gecko.
You have now reached the end of the “reptile” cyberhunt. Hopefully you now know enough about reptiles to be able to survive if you ever turn into one! Congratulations on being able to use the internet and Microsoft PowerPoint so well! Now you can use the internet to help you with any work that you may struggle with in the future.
Memorandum: 1. Reptiles are cold – blooded creatures. 2. The body of a reptile is covered with scales. 3. When the reptiles’ bodies become too warm, they can go into the water or shade to cool off, 4. When the reptiles’ bodies become too cold, they can hang out in the sun to warm themselves up.
Memorandum: 5. Five creatures that belong to the reptile group are: snakes, alligators, crocodiles, tortoises and lizards. 6. Reptiles have scales to protect their bodies and these scales are not all the same. They can be hard or soft, and large or small. 7. False: Reptiles are born on land. 8. False: Reptiles are born with strong instincts and are alone at birth
Memorandum: 9. The Spotted Bush Snake is a very slender snake. It has a flat head and a long tail. The body is bright green to olive. It has dark spots on the bars on the fore body, becoming grey – bronze towards the ears. The head is green or blue – green. 10. The diet of the Vine Snake is very varied, and includes lizards, frogs, small birds and even other snakes, while the diet of the Spotted Bush Snake includes geckos, chameleons and tree frogs. 11. The Variable Skink females lay eggs which hatch after a 2-month incubation period. Growth is rapid and both sexes reach maturity in only 8 months. The Sundevalls Writhing Skink lay white, oval, soft-shelled eggs underground in summer, particularly in old termitaria. 12. Sutherland, Knysna, Eastern Cape, Kwa – Zulu Natal and Swaziland