Bloom’s Taxonomy How to Create REALLY good questions!!
Level 6: Evaluation Level 5: Synthesis Level 4: Analysis Level 3: Application Level 2: Comprehension Level 1: Knowledge Higher-Level Thinking Skills
Level 1: Knowledge Being able to recall information that was given to you. Example: What color was the girl’s dress? Green list name identify show define recognize recall match define classify describe locate outline give examples distinguish opinion from fact
Level 2: Comprehension The ability to understand the information given to you. Example: Why did the girl wear a green dress? Because it was her favorite color paraphrase differentiate demonstrate visualize restate rewrite give examples summarize explain interpret describe compare convert distinguish estimate
Level 3: Application Being able to use the information given and transfer it to another situation Example: Is the green dress a dress you would wear to church? No, because it is very short and sleeveless, therefore not appropriate. apply classify modify put into practice demonstrate compute operate solve illustrate calculate interpret manipulate predict show
Level 4: Analysis Being able to take two things and tell their similarities and differences based on things you learned Example: How are the girl’s green dress and the girl’s blue dress the same and different? contrast compare distinguish categorize outline relate analyze organize deduce choose diagram discriminate
Level 5: Synthesis Being able to combine information to create new information Example: Use the information about the girl’s green dress to make a sample of what you think the dress looks like. discuss plan compare create construct rearrange compose organize design hypothesize support write report combine comply develop
Level 6: Evaluation Being able to give an opinion about something using information given. Example: What do you think about wearing green dresses based on what people said to the girl? Use specific information from the story to explain why you think that. criticize justify debate support your reason conclude assess rate evaluate choose estimate judge defend appraise