Shaekerria Jackson, David VanOllefen, Joselyn Rodriguez.


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Presentation transcript:

Shaekerria Jackson, David VanOllefen, Joselyn Rodriguez

Modernism  Modernism is, “…a variety of specific artistic and philosophical movements including symbolism, futurism, surrealism, expressionism, imagism…” (

What makes Modernism so unique? Belief in progress, freedom, and equality Early in the 20th century Modernism showed faith in scientific and technological progress as the path to a better world (result of WWI) post–modernist cast of mind s.html

What Influenced it? WWI and WWII were the major influences of Modernism. Artists of this newer generation were a mixed bunch of all races and religions. Modernists were against the destructive wars.

Relationships to Other Eras In contrast to the Romantic world view, the Modernist cares rather little for Nature, Being, or the overarching structures of history. Instead of progress and growth, the Modernist sees decay of the individual.

Themes of Modernism Selfishness and inwardness The loss of traditional structures to creativity

The Greek masks represent modernism best because it was an era full of art and literature. They represent art and literature that was expressed in theatres. Also similar to modernism, the theater expresses their opinions and reactions towards different events.

Ezra Pound Ezra Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho, in He died in Social Credit and Impact

T.S. Eliot Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in Missouri on September 26, T. S. Eliot received the Nobel Prize for Literature in He died in London in T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land Confronted by biblical-sounding verse forms

Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, February 1, 1902 On May 22, 1967, Hughes died from complications after abdominal surgery Let America Be America Again,

Quote 1 "... the greatest single fact about our modern American writing is our writers' absorption in every last detail of their American world together with their deep and subtle alienation from it." - Alfred Kazin, On Native Grounds,

Quote 2 "Defining modernism is a difficult task.... A historical definition would say that modernism is the artistic movement in which the artist's self-consciousness about questions of form and structure became uppermost.... In brief, modernism asks us to consider what we normally understand by the center and the margins." - Heath Anthology, Vol. 2, 4th ed.,

Quote 3 "That's not it at all, that's not what I meant at all“ — from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," by T. S. Eliot

Jazz Age Also known as the “Roaring Twenties”. Money was no issue The young generations developed a new fashion style.

19 th Ammendment Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920 Guarantees women the right to vote docs/document.html?doc=13&title.raw=19th%20Amendment%20to%20the%20U.S.%20Constitution:%20Women's%20Righ t%20to%20Vote

Prohibition A national ban on the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol, in place from 1919 to th Ammendment Repealed by the 21 st Ammendment _the_United_States

Stock Market Crash Also known as “Black Tuesday” It was the beginning of the ‘Great Depression’ Began in late October of 1929, and ended in _Street_Crash_of_1929