SCC April 21, 2016
CSIP Plan Literacy A strategy for improvement is to provide targeted instruction in thesis development and utilization of textual evidence in student essay writing. This will be completed through the Language Arts and Social Studies classes, and measured formatively by Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) in Language Arts and Social Studies classes, and summatively through the Language Arts SAGE in This goal will be met when at least 70% or more students are proficient on the Language Arts SAGE in
CSIP Plan – Literacy Budget ExpenditureCostSource Substitutes for grading CFA’s $ Land Trust Additional collaboration time $ Land Trust Keep technology updated – carts $ Land Trust Laptop computers for teachers $ Land Trust 114 Chromebooks for social studies classes $ Land Trust 3 Chromebook charging cart $ Land Trust
CSIP Plan STEM - Science Currently 72% of our total students enrollment are proficient, scoring a level 3 or 4 on SAGE. Only 32% of our special education students are proficient in SAGE science. 75% of students will achieve proficiency on SAGE in Science. Special Education students receiving resource services will increase by an average of 25 points on the Sage 2016 to the Sage 2017 cut score. Progress will be measured by a cumulative assessment that will be administered 3 times a year.
CSIP Plan – Science Budget ExpenditureCostSource Registration fees for PD$ Land Trust Substitutes for teachers to attend PD $ Land Trust Hire substitutes 3x year – teachers to correct and record district CFA $ Land Trust Two 17-hour aides to assist SPED students in Science $ Land Trust
CSIP Plan STEM – Math Currently 55% of our students are proficient, scoring level 3 or 4, on math portion of SAGE. Our goal is for 60% of students to achieve proficiency on SAGE in Math. Students currently at level 2 proficiency will be screened to enter a Math lab were students will increase by an average of 25 points on the Sage 2016 to the Sage 2017 cut score. There will also be ongoing instructional coaching to improve instructional practices in the classroom by June 2017.
CSIP Plan – Math Budget ExpenditureCostSource 120 ALEXS licenses for 1 year $ Textbooks Substitutes for professional development/observati ons $ Land trust 114 Chromebooks for math labs $ Land trust 3 Chromebook charging cart $ Land trust Hire substitutes 3x year – teachers to correct and record district CFA $ Land trust
CSIP Plan PBIS By the end of the 2016/2017 school year courage violations for class disruption will decrease by 10% through increasing resources for teachers, classroom support, staff training, accessibility to data, and explicit instruction of expectations to students.
CSIP Plan – PBIS Budget ExpenditureCostSource PD time to create/refine PBIS lessons - Wages & if needed substitutes $ Cell tower PD for new teachers in August $ Cell tower Printing of Courage posters & cards $ Supplies Summer hours for counselors to rewrite the Courage packet $ Cell tower
Landtrust Budget Update This Year
Honors English 6 th Grade OLD SRI lexile (reading comprehension) Utah Compose (writing) Dibbles (reading fluency) NEW SRI lexile (reading comprehension) SAGE writing or Writing Honors Entrance Exam (written expression) SAGE reading or Reading Honors Entrance Exam (reading literature, reading informational, language)
Honors English 7 th & 8 th Grade OLD SRI lexile (reading comprehension) Utah Compose (writing) District End of Year Final (concept mastery) NEW SRI lexile (reading comprehension) SAGE writing or Writing Honors Entrance Exam (written expression) SAGE reading or Reading Honors Entrance Exam (reading literature, reading informational, language)
Vending $
School Start Times School start time is an issue which needs to go to the CSD Board
A/B Schedule Electives – every other day Adjusting the schedule is an issue which needs to go to the CSD Board
Other Next & Final Meeting: May 19 th Who will be returning next year?