Business Writing Skills Your company information here
Schedule 8:00 – 9:45 Training 9:45 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 12:00 Training 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 3:00 Training 3:00 – 3:15 Break 3:15 – 4:30 Training
So What? Ask Questions about How This Applies to Your Writing.
What Most Frustrates You About Documents You Receive?
How much time per day do you waste reading ineffectively written s? Up to 30 minutes58% 30 to 60 minutes 34% 1 to 3 hours6% Information Mapping, Inc., 2005
What are the problems with ? I am not clear about what should be done with it or how to act on the contents. The content is disorganized. Critical information is missing or hard to find. The content is too long, wordy, and difficult to read. Information Mapping, Inc., 2005
This report contains direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass around Tremont. DIRECT EFFECTS We are concerned about two direct effects: 1.The impact of reduced traffic on businesses 2.The shift in drainage into the Turtle River Effect 1: The impact of reduced traffic on businesses The first direct effect is the impact of reduced traffic on businesses. The proposal... Recommendations 1.Meet with business owners to... 2.Suggest ways of informing traffic... Effect 2: The shift in drainage into the Turtle River The second direct effect is the shift in drainage into the Turtle River. The impact of this... Recommendations 1.Contact the Corps of Engineers... 2.Perform a drainage study Report Letter
The Average American Reader
Literacy More than 20% of adults read at or below the 5 th -grade level, far below the level needed to earn a living wage. The average adult reads at the 9 th -grade level. The average businessperson reads at the 10 th -grade level. 29% of American adults have only basic reading and math skills. Among adults who have taken graduate courses or have graduate degrees, only 41% scored as being proficient on reading comprehension tests. The rest scored at Below basic, Basic, and Intermediate levels.
Accomplish your goals with the reader. Economize on your time and the reader’s time. Project a professional image. Manage Your Readers
Skill: Write in Blocks Readers Can Follow Easily
This report contains direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass around Tremont. Direct Effects We are concerned about two direct effects: 1.The impact of reduced traffic on businesses 2.The shift in drainage into the Turtle River Effect 1: The impact of reduced traffic on businesses The first direct effect is the impact of reduced traffic on businesses. The proposal... Recommendations 1.Meet with business owners to... 2.Suggest ways of informing traffic... Effect 2: The shift in drainage into the Turtle River The second direct effect is the shift in drainage into the Turtle River. The impact of this... Recommendations 1.Contact the Corps of Engineers... 2.Perform a drainage study
The Document Is One Block The entire document is one block. Decide the central idea for the entire document. The key term is the document’s name. direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass 56-59,
This report contains direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass around Tremont. Direct Effects We are concerned about two direct effects: 1.The impact of reduced traffic on businesses 2.The shift in drainage into the Turtle River Effect 1: The impact of reduced traffic on businesses The first direct effect is the impact of reduced traffic on businesses. The proposal... Recommendations 1.Meet with business owners to... 2.Suggest ways of informing traffic... Effect 2: The shift in drainage into the Turtle River The second direct effect is the shift in drainage into the Turtle River. The impact of this... Recommendations 1.Contact the Corps of Engineers... 2.Perform a drainage study... Central idea 56-59,
This report contains direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass around Tremont. Direct Effects We are concerned about two direct effects: 1.The impact of reduced traffic on businesses 2.The shift in drainage into the Turtle River Effect 1: The impact of reduced traffic on businesses The first direct effect is the impact of reduced traffic on businesses. The proposal... Recommendations 1.Meet with business owners to... 2.Suggest ways of informing traffic... Effect 2: The shift in drainage into the Turtle River The second direct effect is the shift in drainage into the Turtle River. The impact of this... Recommendations 1.Contact the Corps of Engineers... 2.Perform a drainage study... Central idea Level 1 Level 2 Level 4 Level ,
Key Term Names for Blocks Central idea: direct effects and indirect effects of the planned bypass Level 1 – direct effects Level 2 – impact of reduced traffic on businesses Level 3 – recommendations Level 4 – meet with business owners Level 4 – inform traffic Level 2 – shift drainage turtle river Level 3 – recommendations Level 4 – Contact Corps of Engineers Level 4 – Perform drainage study Level 1 – indirect effects 56-59,
Identify the Blocks in Any Writing
Guggenheim Manufacturing’s recruitment plan focuses on having area educational institutions let potential candidates know about job opportunities in small motors manufacturing. The plan includes two strategies. Guggenheim increased awareness of the opportunities in small motor design, manufacturing, and marketing by providing materials about Guggenheim’s job opportunities for Bravemont Community College’s “Think Job Success” awareness campaign and by sponsoring hands-on small-motors activities to 143 Industrial Technology students. Guggenheim also worked with educational institutions to provide the training potential candidates need for small motors manufacturing jobs Central Idea 1
Guggenheim Manufacturing’s recruitment plan focuses on having area educational institutions let potential candidates know about job opportunities in small motors manufacturing. The plan has two strategies. Strategy 1: Increase awareness of job opportunities in small motors manufacturing Guggenheim increased awareness of the job opportunities in small motors manufacturing by 1.providing materials about Guggenheim’s job opportunities for Bravemont Community College’s “Think Job Success” awareness campaign 2.sponsoring hands-on small-motors activities to 143 Industrial Technology students Strategy 2:Work with educational institutions to provide the training potential candidates need for small motors manufacturing jobs Central Idea 1
Activity: Find the Blocks in Your Writing Select one of the writing samples you brought with you. Find the central idea key term. You may have more than one central idea. Find the first Level 1 block key term. Mark it as 1. Find other Level 1 block key terms. Mark them as 1. Find the Level 2 key terms for each block. Mark them as 2. If you have Level 3 key terms, mark them as 3.