2009 Federal Environmental Symposium East June 16-18, 2009 Bucky Green, EPA Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch Matt Sawatzki, Booz Allen Hamilton V v2 GreenCheck Meeting Environmental Performance Requirements in Federal Facilities Construction
1 Overview ►History ►Environmental Regulations for Federal Facilities ►EPA Facility Snapshot ►GreenCheck Drivers ►What is GreenCheck? ►GreenCheck Next Steps ►Points of Contact
2 GreenCheck has a long history of development within EPA ►First discussed before Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 became law Not driven by legislative requirements Purpose: for EPA project teams to determine and document environmental performance goals for major real estate projects ►First legislative requirements enacted EPAct of 2005 ►Need for facility sustainability focus grew with requirements Executive Order (EO) Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on High Performance, Sustainable Buildings
3 Environmental regulations for federal facilities have grown in recent years ►EPAct of 2005 Energy consumption 30% below ASHRAE baseline ENERGY STAR or FEMP-designated energy-consuming products Advanced metering of electricity by FY 2012 ►EO % of facilities must meet the Guiding Principles of the MOU on High Performance, Sustainable Buildings Preferential procurement of goods and services using sustainable practices Implement recycling and waste diversion goals ►EISA of 2007 Use energy efficient equipment (cost-effective) ENERGY STAR building certification requirements (leased office buildings) Advanced metering of natural gas and steam by FY % of domestic hot water from solar hot water heaters Reduce fossil fuel usage 55% beginning in FY2010; 100% by FY 2030 Restore pre-development hydrology of new site construction (over 5,000 GSF)
4 EPA occupies a diverse portfolio of facilities ►Occupy ~10 million square feet of space in 175 facilities ►~4 million square feet of laboratories EPA-owned or GSA-leased EPA pays utilities = Reporting Facilities ►~6 million square feet of office and support space Generally provided in GSA-owned buildings Or in GSA-leased buildings
5 GreenCheck was developed to help achieve environmental goals ►Reasons for Development of GreenCheck Started as a process to formally set environmental performance goals for each major EPA project Educate EPA clients, EPA project managers, EPA real estate staff, and EPA contract A/E’s on current federal requirements and current EPA policies Encourage appropriate project integration at the beginning of a projects life cycle Ensure construction projects meet the EPAct 2005, EO 13423, and EISA environmental performance requirements Meet high performance sustainable building goals of EO Provide centralized repository of EISA, EO, and EPAct requirements Provide comprehensive documentation for OMB scorecards ►Challenges Faced with new and complex requirements EPA has an $85K capital asset threshold Developing comprehensive list of projects Buy-in from project managers Diverse portfolio of facilities Needed to meet requirements/track progress with limited additional funding or staffing
6 GreenCheck development was a joint process with many stakeholders ►Stakeholders Developed by Facilities Management and Services Division (FMSD) and spearheaded by Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch (SFPB) and Architecture, Engineering, and Asset Management Branch (AEAMB) EPA Project Managers EPA’s contract Architects and Engineers (A&Es) Real Estate and Leasing Staff ►GreenCheck Development Process Became clear existing informal process was not sufficient SFPB and AEAMB worked with Project Managers and contractor to develop process and form Iterative process over course of FY 2008 Latest version - May 2009 GreenCheck Process Project Leads Construction Contractors Architects & Engineers Real Estate Leads SFPBAEAMB
7 What is GreenCheck? ►GreenCheck is a method of summarizing and tracking compliance with environmental regulations for federal facilities Manifested in a 5-page, “Yes, No, N/A” checklist Completed for each all projects receiving any funding Project managers complete GreenCheck Form (with help from A&Es, SFPB, AEAMB, and contract support) Small projects are exempt from full GreenCheck if funding and GSF thresholds are not exceeded Living document that can be revised based on project circumstances Kept on file for reporting and historical purposes ►Six Main Areas of Focus Energy Consumption/Intensity and Renewable Energy Use Water Consumption Storm Water Management Sustainable Materials Waste Management Indoor Environmental Quality
8 What is GreenCheck? (continued) ►Multiple Uses and Purposes Initial project team integration Project checklist for EPA A&Es Checklist for development of design SOWs and lease requirements Checklist for EPA Project Managers reviewing designs ►Similar to other agencies’ efforts HHS and DOE have protocols for reporting sustainable facilities GreenCheck focuses on project by project implementation of new requirements and knowledge management Agencywide Real Estate operations centered in DC
9 What is GreenCheck? (continued) ►GreenCheck Review Process All projects must fill out at least the cover page of the GreenCheck form If below capital asset or GSF threshold, GreenCheck is complete If not, Project Manager must complete a full GreenCheck (next 6 sections) Applicability question at beginning of each section ►GreenCheck Thresholds 20,000 GSF/RSF affected $85,000 in capital funding 5,000 GSF of new site development Requires GSA Prospectus
10 What is GreenCheck? (continued) ►Sample GreenCheck Question Simple, concise questions for easy completion Simple form allows easy trend analysis Opt out question at beginning of each section
11 GreenCheck will continue to make progress on meeting sustainability goals ►Positive Feedback Most Project Managers pleasantly surprised Quick, easy, non-burdensome process ►Next Steps Continue incorporating GreenCheck into construction/renovation process Focus on future projects Revise, Refine, and Review Lead by example Continue responsible stewardship of the environment Region 8 HQ Green Roof
12 Points of Contact ►Bucky Green, EPA SFPB Chief (202) ►Bill Ridge, EPA AEAMB Chief (202) ►Angie Major, EPA GreenCheck Coordinator (202) ►Matt Sawatzki, Booz Allen Hamilton (202)