- Intan - Kamini - Balqis - Izzati - Tan - Fadzrul
Order of the Process 1. Concepting 2. Scriptwriting 3. Production Planning (Pre-production) 4. Videography (Shoot) 5. Graphics Design & Creation 6. Voice Talent Recording 7. Original Music or Library Music tracks 8. Editing 9. Motion Graphics & Special Effects 10. Animation 11. Final Edit, Mix, and Master 12. Dubs (Copies) or other Distribution
CONCEPTING discovering where the starting point, goals and budgets develop a concept from scratch, flesh a rough idea into a practical approach, or take your solid approach and move on into the next phase of production.
SCRIPTWRITING the backbone of the production the official reference Most professionals can write a script for you or advise you about an existing script that may need work.
PRE-PRODUCTION (PRODUCTION PLANNING ) pre-production meeting is very important - a no- pressure, open, brain-storming event. > where specific production approaches are discussed and decided on, along with determining what resources (shoots, talent, animations, etc.) are going to be needed.
VIDEOGRAPHY (SHOOT) A camera shoot may or may not be necessary for a specific project, or you may already have “raw footage” on tape or disc, ready to be edited. If a shoot is necessary either on a location or in a studio, be sure to hire a highly experienced crew that has professional camera and lighting equipment and who know how to use it.
GRAPHICS DESIGN & CREATION Almost every production will need a graphic look or design along with various graphic elements like a company logo or art elements to coordinate with other media. Graphics and a specific graphic look or identity gives an emotional feel and a psychological branding for the message or the product.
VOICE TALENT RECORDING Finding the right talent can be tricky for low budget productions, as standard union rates for one talent can easily exceed the entire budget of a low dollar commercial production.
ORIGINAL MUSIC / LIBRARY MUSIC TRACKS Music is a fundamental element that provides an emotional identity and an emotional impact to your production. two approaches to acquiring production music: original track - literally be made to work and fit your specific production. “library music” tracks – which are rights-cleared and produced for production.
EDITING A great editor can bring footage to life in a manner that an average competent editor just cannot do. This is because editing is an intuitive art form that has to be learned over years of handling footage and making the right decisions by learning from past mistakes. An artful, excellent edit can bring average or even sub- par raw footage to life and rescue an otherwise dull program.
MOTION GRAPHICS & SPECIAL EFFECTS Motion Graphics : Logos fly and morph into other graphics, video appears in windows that superimpose over other backgrounds, and colorful borders and shapes make an emotional impact and catch the viewer’s eye and hold their attention. Special Effects : Motion graphics are a special effect, of course, but here we refer specifically to what most people think of by that term – special visual effects like explosions, keys and mattes (like green-screen shoots of people that are superimposed over other backgrounds), star trails, smoke, glints and gleams off objects or logos, image tiling, morphing and bending of objects,
ANIMATION 2D flat style drawings, like classic cartoons, are rarely done manually these days, but are accomplished with the help of the computer. Flat style imagery can be very effective and less expensive to accomplish. 3D animation is more complex. Character animation is the most complicated to achieve, as characters must be designed, structurally boned, skinned with textures, and animated as a collection of joined parts, often into a separately designed background world.
FINAL EDIT, MIX, and MASTER The movie of the final render (base edit with any motion graphics and special effects) is taken back to the edit system and a final version of the spot or program is made, by adding any last minute graphics or audio elements. mix is done, as needed, to make sure the program is complete in every detail. The last production stage is to make the final “Master” of the program onto any of a variety of formats, either videotape or digital files, depending on the intended destination.
DUBS (COPIES) or other DISTRIBUTION Copies or dubs are often needed for distribution to television stations, directly to clients, or other end- users. These can be in any of a variety of formats and media, from BetaSP (for broadcast), DVCam, MiniDV, DVD’s, or any of a wide selection of digital file formats, including formats for the Web.