Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John, Went to bed with his trousers on; One shoe off, and one shoe on, Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.
Clothes I wear a cap and a coat when it is cold. Boys at school wear shirts and trousers But for girls are skirts and blouses. A raincoat, a scarf and an umbrella For a cool girl Angela. A hat, shoes and a dress For a cool girl Beth. But mittens – for kittens? No, kittens don’t wear mittens.
Выбери лучший вариант Clothes make the man 1.По одежке встречают, по уму провожают. 2.Одежда красит человека. 3.О вкусах не спорят.
Расставь буквы в нужном порядке t, e, s, h, o, c, l a, t, c, o i, r, h, t, s r, s, t, h, o, s m, r, l, e, l, a, u, b t, m, i, t, e, n, s clothes coat shirt shorts umbrella mittens
запомни: Trousers Jeans Shorts Clothes употребляются только во множественном числе: are were will be
Becky’s dress is the (beautiful). Becky’s dress is the most beautiful. The black trousers are (big) than the jeans. This raincoat is (small ) than the red coat. Bill’s sweater is the (good). I think these boots are the (old). My scarf is (long) than your scarf.
Составь предложения в Past Simple (V2) Yesterday Miss Chatter (buy) bought ……
Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock.