Seasons of the World: Monsoon / Rains
Monsoon is a seasonal occurrence of rain bearing winds caused by precipitation.
The major monsoon systems of the world consist of the (West) African and Asia-Australian.
The Asia-Australian monsoon is the dominant monsoon in the world.
Winds from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest brings heavy rainfall.
The North American Monsoon (NAM) occurs from late June or early July into September, …
…originating over Mexico and spreading into the southwest United States by mid-July.
Agriculture worldwide is dependent on monsoons to a large extent.
Delay of a few days in their arrival can, and does badly affect the world economy.
Now let us explore the impact of monsoons beyond agriculture.
Several cultures have developed means of dealing with monsoon rains through…
…numerous protection devices such as umbrellas and raincoats.
Water-logging is a big problem, and storm drains help by lead rain water to sewers.
Many people also prefer to stay inside on rainy days, especially in tropical climates …
…where rain is usually accompanied by thunderstorms.
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