The Levels of Government during Hurricane Katrina
“Branches and Levels of Govt” Use the organizers to help you. There are extras in the purple folders Make sure you distinguish between the branches (legislative, executive, judicial) and the levels (nation, state, local) Read the scenarios and answer the questions
Scenario # 1 1.Supreme Court rules that segregation violates constitutional guarantee of equality What BRANCH is this?______________________ 2. Members of Congress pass a law that increases penalty for illegal gun possession What BRANCH is this?______________________ 3. The President orders elite army forces to free captured Americans in Somalia What BRANCH is this?______________________ 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above ____________________________
Scenario # 1 1.Supreme Court rules that segregation violates constitutional guarantee of equality What BRANCH is this? Judicial 2. Members of Congress pass a law that increases penalty for illegal gun possession What BRANCH is this? Legislative 3. The President orders elite army forces to free captured Americans in Somalia What BRANCH is this? Executive 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above Federal (National)
Scenario # 2 1.The Governor proposes that Maryland decrease its aid to the homeless What BRANCH is this?______________________ 2. General Assembly lessens penalty for incoming businesses that gentrify (push out) homeless populations What BRANCH is this?______________________ 3. A Circuit Court hears an appeal from a human rights activist charged with destroying new corporation’ What BRANCH is this?______________________ 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above _____________________________________________
1.The Governor proposes that Maryland decrease its aid to the homeless What BRANCH is this? Executive 2. General Assembly lessens penalty for incoming businesses that gentrify (push out) homeless populations What BRANCH is this? Legislative 3. A Circuit Court hears an appeal from a human rights activist charged with destroying new corporation’ What BRANCH is this? Judicial 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above STATE
Scenario # 3 1.Members of the City Council pass an 11 o clock curfew for teenagers What BRANCH is this?______________________ 2. The mayor increases the number of police on night shift to enforce the curfew What BRANCH is this?______________________ 3. A District Court judge decides whether a student driving home from work is guilty What BRANCH is this?______________________ 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above ____________________________
Scenario # 3 1.Members of the City Council pass an 11 o clock curfew for teenagers What BRANCH is this? Legislative 2. The mayor increases the number of police on night shift to enforce the curfew What BRANCH is this? Executive 3. A District Court judge decides whether a student driving home from work is guilty What BRANCH is this? Judicial 4. What LEVEL of Government is shown above LOCAL
Today’s Class Expectations **You are about to watch some very serious footage about Hurricane Katrina. Many people involved in this event suffered greatly. They may have lost a mother, father, daughter, son, brother, sister, wife, husband, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle or friend. In this class we will look at serious events; you must be a mature learner here. Thank you**
The U.S. Gulf States on a map Texas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Florida
Closer look at U.S. Gulf States
What state is New Orleans in?
Hurricanes form in the water
Hurricane Katrina from satellite
Hurricane Katrina Pathway
August 29 th, 2005 Hurricane Katrina slams into New Orleans New Orleans is a city that is on average 2 feet below sea level This means the city needs levees to protect it incase of flooding
Levees in New Orleans Levees are natural or man made walls that protect places from flooding waters New Orleans had many
What a levee can look like:
Storm Surge caused the Levees to break in New Orleans
Broken levees; massive flooding from surrounding lakes
Massive Flooding in N.O.
Costs of Hurricane Katrina
How did each level of Government react to this disaster?