Florida Department of Education Bureau of Federal Educational Programs ECTAC ADMINISTRATOR’S MEETING SONYA G. MORRIS, BUREAU CHIEF MARCH 3, 2016
Updates from the Bureau… Combined Certified Roll Forward and Budget amendments ( ) Certified Roll Notifications-–Early January 2 nd Revised Allocations-–January 26, 2016 All amendments are being reviewed, as submitted-ongoing through March and April 2016
Preliminary Allocation Amounts to LEAs Program TitleAmount Title I Basic LEA Grant $775,034,592 Title I School Improvement 23,650,665 Title I Delinquent (Local) 8,611,039
Request for Applications Anticipated Release Dates ProgramAnticipated Date Homeless Education ProgramLate March to Mid April Migrant Education ProgramLate April to Early May Neglected and Delinquent Youth ProgramLate April to Late May School Improvement (1003a) TBD Title I, Part A BasicLate May to June
Request for Applications Title I, Part A Returns to legacy system Anticipated changes Aligning instructional needs to Florida’s Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators Use of VAM data to support professional development needs Add Community Eligibility Option 3 Scheduled phone calls with TIPA team and district contacts
Title I Part A and Survey 3 (Lunch status reporting) LEAs report student enrollment and low income student counts to the FDOE (February –March) Used to generate LEA allocations to the upcoming Title I application project year Total School Enrollment Low Income Student Counts (NO multiplier yet) Prepopulates the Public School Eligibility Survey in the Title I Part A application Survey reporting window closes March 11, 2016
For more information… Every Student Succeeds Act Update NEW ESSA webpage Sign up for updates Frequently Asked Questions page questions to 33.pdf
HOW IS SMALL AREA INCOME AND POVERTY ESTIMATES (SAIPE) DATA USED IN THE STATE AND/OR DISTRICT PROJECT APPLICATIONS? The U.S. Census Bureau provides the SAIPE estimates to U.S. Department of Education for use in the allocation formula to states These data are used prior to the allocation reaching states (not in state to LEA allocation formula) SAIPE data estimate the number of children ages 5-17 in families in poverty html
Provision 2 school are on a three year cycle with the first year as the baseline. For PSES rank and serve, is it permissible to use the baseline data for years 2 and 3 without collecting annual free/reduced applications in years 2 and 3? The National School Lunch Act allows schools to certify students for free and reduced price lunches once every FOUR years and longer with approval An LEA may use baseline data for years 2 and 3 for allocation purposes. The district must report baseline year data during survey 3 and indicate the baseline year on the PSES data entry screen.
When can we expect preliminary FY allocations? March 4, 2016
Should we expect increased allocations for FY ? We have preliminary allocations which are used primarily for planning purposes only Preliminary allocations can and do change (several times during a single fiscal year)
Any classroom teacher reported as the teacher of record for a course in a core academic subject (as defined by NCLB) is expected to satisfy the requirements of being Highly Qualified in the course content area. The statutory definition of classroom teachers, as per S (2)(a), F.S., includes substitute teachers. What are the HQT requirements for long term substitutes?
Will the School Improvement 1003(a) project be awarded for ? If so, when and how much? Yes, release date TBD Amount TBD
Coming soon… Responses to all ESSA questions require leadership review and are forthcoming. Does transferability mean that funds from the grants/programs indicated may be combined (transferred) to the larger program/grant to enable braiding and/or blending funds? What are the benefits of transferring funds from one program to another? Will FY funds be allocated based on NCLB or ESSA? With the uncertainty of funding for FY under ESSA, (3-10 percent state reservation for school improvement) is it recommended that districts hold back funds to roll into FY 2018 to minimize potential funding reductions? How are district’s getting direct certification data?
Thank you!