Internet Safety at DESS
What Children do Online and the risks they are exposed to The following presentation outlines the various activities that children may take part in online at home. The risks are outlined below each heading to assist with understanding the need for vigilance and supervision when young children are using the internet.
Gaming playing with friends and strangers around the world inappropriate games. Exposure to sex and violence Music Streaming copyright infringement and listening illegally downloading viruses
TV and Video unsuitable programs and clips Blogging (twitter and others) Exposure to too much information information remains on the web for many years making unsuitable comments
Instant Messaging and Chatrooms cyber bullying talking to strangers online grooming (attempt to establish a trusting relationship as a means to sexually abuse young people) Facebook tops the list of sites used underage headphones keep conversations private - Whatsapp, Blackberry Messenger, Tango
Mobile Smartphones GPS tracking shows whereabouts access to the internet sending and receiving photos and videos using instant messaging sharing phone numbers using apps and making purchases Bluetooth identification by strangers
Webcams hackers can hack into your computer and watch through the webcam chatting with a stranger they cannot see photos being captured and used online by strangers
How to Control the Risk and keep your children safe at home be aware of what children are doing online become ‘friends’ with your children on social media sites use parental controls where possible contact your service provider for advice on blocking sites
teach children to keep personal information safe limit time online children should never schedule meetings with online friends encourage children to speak to you about any issues that make them uncomfortable or sad
Ofsted Concerns (3 C’s) Ofsted is the UK Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Content – inappropriate content that children may see Cyberbullying – hurtful comments by others Conduct – Correct use of the internet and social media
What we do at DESS Internet Usage policy Bullying policy ensure children understand the importance of safe internet usage children supervised during all ICT usage at school recommended sites given for research advice to parents on internet safety