AUDIENCE. MILLENNIALS MONTHLY REACH Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015 77% of Millennials are monthly magazine media.


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MILLENNIALS MONTHLY REACH Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November % of Millennials are monthly magazine media users

MILLENNIALS PLATFORM USAGE Millennials are 54% more likely to view magazine media via a mobile than the average adult Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015 Data based on the 12 titles where data is available for print, desktop & mobile

MILLENNIALS: TOP TITLES (INDEX) PRINT WEB MOBILE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

MILLENNIALS MOBILE REACH Millennials account for 1 in 4 of the adult population Millennials account for 44% of the mobile magazine media audience Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

MILLENNIALS MOBILE REACH BY TITLE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

ABC1 MEN & WOMEN REACH 86% of ABC1 Women are monthly magazine media users 73% of ABC1 Men are monthly magazine media users Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

ABC1 MEN & WOMEN PLATFORM USAGE ABC1 Women are 42% more likely to view magazine media via a mobile than the average adult Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015 Data based on the 12 titles where data is available for print, desktop & mobile

ABC1 MEN: TOP TITLES (INDEX) PRINTWEBMOBILE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

ABC1 WOMEN: TOP TITLES (INDEX) PRINTWEBMOBILE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

ABC1 MEN & WOMEN MOBILE REACH BY TITLE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

AGE 50+ PLATFORM REACH 70% of people age 50+ consume magazine media every month Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

50+: TOP TITLES (INDEX) PRINTWEB Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

FAMILES (CHILDREN IN HH) MONTHLY REACH Families account for 1 in 4 of the adult population 76% of people with children in HH consume magazine every month Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

FAMILIES (CHILDREN IN HH): TOP TITLES (INDEX) PRINTWEBMOBILE Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015

FAMILIES MOBILE REACH BY TITLE Families are 32% more likely to view magazine media via a mobile than the average adult Source: NRS PADD: NRS January – December 2015 & comScore November 2015