End of Life & Palliative Care: Educational Resources for Healthcare Providers, Patients, and Families Joe Stenger, MD Barre Family Health Ctr/Worcester FMR Deborah Taylor, Ph.D. Central Maine Medical Center FMR
Specific End of Life Curricula
The Status of Medical Education in End-of- Life Care: A National Report. J Gen Int Med 2003 Students and residents in the United States feel unprepared to provide, and faculty and residents unprepared to teach, many key components of good care for the dying. Current educational practices and institutional culture in U.S. medical schools do not support adequate end-of-life care, and attention to both curricular and cultural change are needed to improve end-of- life care education. Students and residents in the United States feel unprepared to provide, and faculty and residents unprepared to teach, many key components of good care for the dying. Current educational practices and institutional culture in U.S. medical schools do not support adequate end-of-life care, and attention to both curricular and cultural change are needed to improve end-of- life care education.
Education in Palliative and End-of-life Care 1999 curriculum (free) other supporting materials Northwestern University ages/Ecommerce/categoryDetail.c fm?categoryID=product ages/Ecommerce/categoryDetail.c fm?categoryID=product
Veterans Administration Charleston Medical Center, South Carolina Veterans Administration Charleston Medical Center, South Carolina Residency curriculum development Residency curriculum development Goals, objectives, teaching methods, evaluation, bibliography - Compendium of articles about residency EOL curriculum development: Goals, objectives, teaching methods, evaluation, bibliography - Compendium of articles about residency EOL curriculum development: ntents.asp ntents.asp ntents.asp ntents.asp
“Improving end-of-life care: A resource guide for physician education”, Medical College of Wisconsin - $69.00 “Improving end-of-life care: A resource guide for physician education”, Medical College of Wisconsin - $69.00 “Communication teaching modules for the end-of-life educator”, Medical College of Wisconsin - $99.00 “Communication teaching modules for the end-of-life educator”, Medical College of Wisconsin - $ cid= cid= cid= cid=3243
U. of Washington School of Medicine Palliative Care Track of the Chronic Care Clerkship U. of Washington School of Medicine Palliative Care Track of the Chronic Care Clerkship ecare/ ecare/ ecare/ ecare/ Resource links about “A Respectful Death” Resource links about “A Respectful Death”
Toolkit for Nurturing Excellence at End-of-Life Transition (TNEEL), Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Toolkit for Nurturing Excellence at End-of-Life Transition (TNEEL), Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation;
End of Life Curriculum Project - Web-based curriculum End of Life Curriculum Project - Web-based curriculum VA Palliative Care Network/SUMMIT VA Palliative Care Network/SUMMIT Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University School of Medicine
University at Buffalo Palliative Medicine elective for residents and 4th year medical students University at Buffalo Palliative Medicine elective for residents and 4th year medical students one month one month Extended Standardized Patient Scenario (ESPS), like extended OSCE Extended Standardized Patient Scenario (ESPS), like extended OSCE
EPERC Palliative Care Medical School Education Project EPERC Palliative Care Medical School Education Project PCE/Home.htm PCE/Home.htm PCE/Home.htm PCE/Home.htm Awards announced 2/19/2007! Awards announced 2/19/2007!
Websites with Multiple Resources End of Life / Palliative Education Resource Center, Medical College of Wisconsin End of Life / Palliative Education Resource Center, Medical College of Wisconsin aterials/Clinical/ClinicalGuidelines.htm aterials/Clinical/ClinicalGuidelines.htm aterials/Clinical/ClinicalGuidelines.htm aterials/Clinical/ClinicalGuidelines.htm aterials/PresentationsCD.htm aterials/PresentationsCD.htm aterials/PresentationsCD.htm aterials/PresentationsCD.htm aterials/pocketguide.htm aterials/pocketguide.htm aterials/pocketguide.htm aterials/pocketguide.htm
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization ageid= ageid= ageid= ageid=3254
Growth House, Inc. Growth House, Inc es.html es.html es.html es.html
AAFP Monograph End-of-Life Care End-of-Life Care Monograph 250/251, March/April 2000 Monograph 250/251, March/April 2000 Stuart Farber, Thomas Egnew, Joan Stempel, Jan Vleck Stuart Farber, Thomas Egnew, Joan Stempel, Jan Vleck $30 with shipping $30 with shipping
Guidelines AAFP Policy Statement on End of Life Care AAFP Policy Statement on End of Life Care olicies/e/ethics.html olicies/e/ethics.html olicies/e/ethics.html olicies/e/ethics.html
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care The National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care, 2004 The National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care, pages, pdf 76 pages, pdf
Providing Hospice and Palliative Care in Rural and Frontier Areas Providing Hospice and Palliative Care in Rural and Frontier Areas National Rural Health Association, 2005 National Rural Health Association, pages, pdf 188 pages, pdf
Evaluation of Curricula National Residency End-of-Life Education Project: Project Abstracts and Progress Reports National Residency End-of-Life Education Project: Project Abstracts and Progress Reports Journal of Palliative Medicine, Jun 2005, Vol. 8, No. 3 : , 9/jpm Journal of Palliative Medicine, Jun 2005, Vol. 8, No. 3 : , 9/jpm /jpm /jpm residencies have participated 400 residencies have participated
End-of-Life Curriculum Reform: Outcomes and Impact in a Follow-Up Study of Internal Medicine Residency Programs End-of-Life Curriculum Reform: Outcomes and Impact in a Follow-Up Study of Internal Medicine Residency Programs Journal of Palliative Medicine, Aug 2002, Vol. 5, No. 4 : , Weissman, David E. et al. Journal of Palliative Medicine, Aug 2002, Vol. 5, No. 4 : , Weissman, David E. et al The study suggests that focused training in EOL teaching methods and institutional change strategies can facilitate EOL curriculum reform. The study suggests that focused training in EOL teaching methods and institutional change strategies can facilitate EOL curriculum reform.
End-of-Life Care in the Curriculum: A National Study of Medical Education Deans End-of-Life Care in the Curriculum: A National Study of Medical Education Deans Academic Medicine. 79(8): , August Academic Medicine. 79(8): , August Sullivan, Amy M. EdD; Warren, Anne G.; Lakoma, Matthew D.; Liaw, Karen R. MD; Hwang, David; Block, Susan D. MD. Sullivan, Amy M. EdD; Warren, Anne G.; Lakoma, Matthew D.; Liaw, Karen R. MD; Hwang, David; Block, Susan D. MD htm;jsessionid=F2QMJ4TXTvJ8LTJssLgqy0lz7pC86DxL B7M42GGWZ82hv24XHwys! ! !8091! htm;jsessionid=F2QMJ4TXTvJ8LTJssLgqy0lz7pC86DxL B7M42GGWZ82hv24XHwys! ! !8091! htm;jsessionid=F2QMJ4TXTvJ8LTJssLgqy0lz7pC86DxL B7M42GGWZ82hv24XHwys! ! !8091! htm;jsessionid=F2QMJ4TXTvJ8LTJssLgqy0lz7pC86DxL B7M42GGWZ82hv24XHwys! ! !8091!-1
Planning for the evaluation of a pediatric end-of-life curriculum. Planning for the evaluation of a pediatric end-of-life curriculum. Journal of Palliative Medicine Winter; 3 (4): Journal of Palliative Medicine Winter; 3 (4): Feldman, J. & Slavin, S. Feldman, J. & Slavin, S. d=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dop t=Abstract d=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dop t=Abstract d=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dop t=Abstract d=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dop t=Abstract
Self-Study Guides / CME UNIPAC Book Series: Hospice/Palliative Care Training for Physicians”, A Self Study Program, CD-ROM, $225 + S&H, 48 CME credits, 8 volumes UNIPAC Book Series: Hospice/Palliative Care Training for Physicians”, A Self Study Program, CD-ROM, $225 + S&H, 48 CME credits, 8 volumes EPEC Online Learning (Education in Palliative and End- of-life Care EPEC Online Learning (Education in Palliative and End- of-life Care Palliative Care: A Self-Study CME Course Palliative Care: A Self-Study CME Course /CMECD.htm /CMECD.htm /CMECD.htm /CMECD.htm MCW.doc MCW.doc MCW.doc MCW.doc
Professional Development Courses Center for Palliative Care, Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care, Harvard Medical School Center to Advance Palliative Care website (Prof. Dev. Section), supported by Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York City Center to Advance Palliative Care website (Prof. Dev. Section), supported by Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York City development development development development Palliative Care Leadership Centers Palliative Care Leadership Centers initiative initiative initiative initiative
Texts Pocket Guide to Hospice/Palliative Medicine Pocket Guide to Hospice/Palliative Medicine Hospice and Palliative Medicine: Core Curriculum and Review Syllabus Hospice and Palliative Medicine: Core Curriculum and Review Syllabus Palliative and End-of-Life Pearls, Heffner and Byock Palliative and End-of-Life Pearls, Heffner and Byock
Information Guides & Papers Improving your end-of-life care practice Improving your end-of-life care practice Americans for Better Care of the Dying, American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine Americans for Better Care of the Dying, American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine Pain management pocket card from Fairview University Pain management pocket card from Fairview University development/Education_Material_for_Professionals /pain-tool-fairview.pdf development/Education_Material_for_Professionals /pain-tool-fairview.pdfhttp:// development/Education_Material_for_Professionals /pain-tool-fairview.pdfhttp:// development/Education_Material_for_Professionals /pain-tool-fairview.pdf
Print/Video Resource Databases Library Catalog of “The Project on Death in America” Library Catalog of “The Project on Death in America” searchable database of EOL books, reports and videos searchable database of EOL books, reports and videos
Information Resources for Patients and Families Ira Byock’s website Ira Byock’s website American Cancer Society American Cancer Society End of Life Care Fact Sheet – End of Life Care Fact Sheet – port/end-of-life-care port/end-of-life-care port/end-of-life-care port/end-of-life-care Support resources links for families: Support resources links for families: port port port port
Information Resources for Patients and Families Lay Grief and Bereavement Resources for Families (Fairview Press) Lay Grief and Bereavement Resources for Families (Fairview Press) development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/gr ief_resources_fairview.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/gr ief_resources_fairview.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/gr ief_resources_fairview.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/gr ief_resources_fairview.doc Family Decision Making Advice Family Decision Making Advice development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/fa mily_decision_guide.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/fa mily_decision_guide.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/fa mily_decision_guide.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/fa mily_decision_guide.doc
Information Resources for Patients and Families “What is Palliative Care?” Information sheet for Families “What is Palliative Care?” Information sheet for Families development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/w hat_is_pc.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/w hat_is_pc.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/w hat_is_pc.doc development/Education_Material_for_Professionals/w hat_is_pc.doc Patient Education and Caring: End-of-Life (PEACE) Series – American College of Physicians Patient Education and Caring: End-of-Life (PEACE) Series – American College of Physicians m m m m