North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
In North Carolina, for every 100 ninth-grade students… …64 students graduate four years later. …41 students enter college. …28 students are still enrolled in their second year. …19 students graduate with either an Associate’s degree within three years or a Bachelor’s degree within six years. Source: NORTH CAROLINA’S Educational Pipeline
College Ready = Work Ready Whether planning to enter college or workforce training programs after graduation, high school students need to be educated in a comparable level of readiness in reading and mathematics.
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How are the NC Professional Teaching Standards different from the Core Standards adopted in 1998? The most significant difference is ALIGNMENT! SBE mission and goals 21 st Century Skills and Knowledge Research from Teacher Working Conditions Survey School Executive and Superintendent Standards Evaluation Instruments Program approval for Schools of Education Professional Development
Framework for 21 st Century Learning
For information about Teacher Working Conditions go to and 2008 School Reports 2006 and 2008 Annual Report that includes the research
Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice. A complete PDF document outlining the Standards can be found at: :
North Carolina Professional Educator Evaluation Systems The evaluation instruments are based on the Framework for 21 st Century Learning and the Standards. Their purpose is to support and promote quality teaching, student learning, and effective leadership. The design is a growth model to improve instruction and enhance professional practice.
They are flexible enough to be fair to teachers and school executives of varying levels of experience and in school settings. The rubrics are formative in nature based on a rating scale from developing through distinguished. The teacher instrument must have a legally defensible summative function. Multiple data sources, artifacts, and evidence will be used in assessing educator performance. They will provide the basis for performance goals and professional dev. activities.
The Evaluation Systems have been validated and approved by the State Board of Education and can be found at A copy of the PDF document of the Standards can also be found there.