MAGNETISM! Who doesn’t think magnets are cool?
MAGNETIC FIELD Understand the concept of a magnetic field – Is it like an electric field? – What produces it? – Does it have direction? – How do we know the direction?
MAGNETIC FIELD AROUND A CURRENT-CARRYING WIRE Know how to find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field around a current-carrying wire – There is a formula to calculate the magnitude (which we will confirm in the lab) – There is a right-hand rule for the direction
FORCE ON A CURRENT-CARRYING WIRE OR A MOVING CHARGED PARTICLE IN A MAGNETIC FIELD Know how to find the magnitude and direction of the force on either a current- carrying wire OR a moving charged particle in a magnetic field – There is a formula to calculate the magnitude – There is a right-hand rule for the direction
ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION Understand the concept of electromagnetic induction – Be able to calculate the flux through a loop – Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of the induced emf in a conducting loop if the magnetic flux changes There is an equation for calculating the magnitude of the induced emf There is a four-step process for finding the direction of the induced emf
TRANSFORMERS Know how a transformer works, and be able to calculate voltage and current for the primary and secondary coils of a transformer – There is one formula for calculating the voltages – The currents can be calculated with a formula you already know: P = IV
IN SUMMARY …. In this chapter you will learn five new equations and three right-hand rules You will be calculating magnetic field, force, emf ( which is a fancy name for voltage ), and current. You will continue to use Newton’s Second Law, the concept of vectors, and Ohm’s Law.