Notes II.Matter exists in different physical states. A.Particle arrangement and motion determine the state of matter. 1.States of matter – different forms in which matter can exist. 2.The substance does not change, the arrangement of the particles changes.
Notes B.Solid, liquid and gas are common states of matter. 1.Solid – Fixed volume and shape. a.Close patterned arrangement 2.Liquid – Fixed volume not shape. a.Close unfixed arrangement b.Extra space from solid that allows fluidity 3.Gas – No fixed volume or shape. a.Lots of space disorganized arrangement b.Can move easily in any direction
Notes C.Solids have a definite volume and shape. 1.Shape stays the same and volume can be measured. 2.Molecules have fixed positions. a.Cannot move from one part of the solid to another. 3.Particles are sometimes arranged in patterns and sometimes not.
Notes D.Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape. 1.Volume can be measured. 2.Shape depends on the container. 3.Molecules move freely. a.Can move from one part of the liquid to another.
Notes E.Gases have no definite volume or shape. 1.Volume changes to the volume of the container. 2.Gas composition. a.Molecules are far apart, but the space can be reduced. b.The smaller the container the less space.
Notes 3.Gas behavior. a.Higher pressure = lower volume at consistent temperature. b.Higher temperature = higher pressure at consistent volume. c.Higher temperature = higher volume at consistent pressure.