Campus Orientations for Academic Student Employees (Unit 11) Presented by: Faculty Affairs & Records Fall 2015
Today’s Agenda Academic Student Employees Overview Faculty Affairs and Records Informing and Protecting Our Community Human Resources, Diversity, and Inclusion Union Presentation United Auto Workers Local 4123
Academic Student Employees In contrast to other student employee positions, academic student employees belong to a bargaining unit There are multiple CSU bargaining units Unit 3 – California Faculty Association (CFA) Unit 11 - United Auto Workers Local 4123 (UAW) The union is the “exclusive representative” of the interests of all employees in the unit.
“A Bargaining Unit Position” UAW and the CSU negotiate and sign a Collective Bargaining Agreement Current CBA effective November 6, 2013 – Sept. 30, 2016 Union Dues or Fair Share Fees
Classification of ASE Positions Teaching Associates. Academic Year 12-Month Summer session Extended Education, for credit Graduate Assistant. Monthly Academic Year Instructional Student Assistant. Regular Off-Campus Also: Work Study
Sample from TA Appointment Notice
Sample from ISA Appointment Notice
Understanding the Appointment Notice The duration, terms, and conditions of the appointment. Appointment title Appointment timebase percentage or range of hours. Effective dates Following statement: “Appointment automatically expires at the end of the period stated and does not establish an obligation for a subsequent appointment. No other notice shall be provided.” Salary/wages (Monthly, Hourly, Basepay, Term) And much more…
Appointment Duration Article 2.6 “The CSU may make appointments at any time and for any duration. Appointments of Teaching Associates and Graduate Assistants may be made at any time-base. Appointments of Instructional Student Assistants may be made for range of hours.” Note: For GAs our rule is the timebase can be up to halftime. For ISAs the cap is also halftime. For TAs timebase can be more than halftime, but not fulltime.
Description of Duties Form You will also receive the following information Faculty member or supervisor Location The course assigned, if applicable Specific job duties Signatures You should receive advance notice if and when these duties are to change significantly.
Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) Hours of work - Part-time, up to 20 hours/week during academic periods, and may work FT during academic break periods. - May have concurrent assignments in other Student Assistant classifications as long as the maximum hours are not exceeded. Tutors shall be paid for showing up at the scheduled tutoring session if the student fails to show and the ISA was not notified before the start of the session If this occurs, may be assigned to different duties ISAs shall be allowed 15 minute breaks for each 4 hour period worked
Graduate Assistants (GAs) GA Timebase - Can be appointed in any fraction up to half-time while the student is enrolled in classes. - May work more than halftime during academic breaks. (Intersession, spring break, summer) - Can be appointed in another student classification up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week while in classes
Teaching Associates (TAs) TA Timebase - Appointed in any fraction less than full-time while the student is enrolled in classes. - TAs may be appointed up to full-time during academic breaks. - Can be concurrently appointed in another student classification up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week while enrolled in classes. - The salary rate is for the term of the assignment, similar to faculty and other exempt employees. It’s not an hourly rate. TAs can accrue and use sick leave.
SALARY MATTERS The Nutshell Cal State and the union agreed to salary increases for Unit 11 employees. Specific increases to take effect on specific dates, when conditions are met. Some have already taken effect. Others are expected to take effect in the future. Salary Schedule
SALARY MATTERS– Cont’d Article 18.5 For fiscal year 2015/16, the salary of each Teaching Associate and Graduate Assistant employee shall be increased by 2.0% effective July 1, The minimum and maximum salary rates for Teaching Associate and Graduate Assistant classifications shall be increased by 5% effective July 1, The minimum and maximum hourly rates for Instructional Student Assistants shall be increased by $0.50 per hour effective July 1, Article 18.6 The General Salary Increases provided in fiscal years 2014/15 and 2015/16 shall be reconsidered if the CSU does not receive an amount in the Budget Act for that year at an amount consistent with the Governor’s Multi-Year Plan. For 2014/15 that amount shall be an increase in state funding of $142.2 million. For 2015/16 that amount shall be a further increase in state funding of $119.5 million. These amounts do not include adjustments to CSU appropriations related to payments to CalPERS and debt service on bonds. If less than this amount is appropriated in any year and the CSU determines that the appropriated level of funding requires a reduction in the contractual GSI percentages, the issue shall be subject to the meet and confer process
SALARY - When do I get paid? GAs are paid in five equal installments: Fall: End of Sept, Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan. Spring: End of Feb., Mar., Apr., May, and Jun. TAs are paid in six equal installments: Fall: End of Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb. (or Aug.) Spring: End of Feb., March, April, May, June, July Note: TAs that are appointed both fall and spring terms will receive their final fall paycheck in August.
BENEFITS Parking Fees – GAs and ISAs pay the student rate. TAs have a separate rate. CSU Pre-Tax Parking Fee Deduction Plan. This is rare because for an employee to be eligible the appointment has to be over 6 months. TAs who are appointed at least half time for more than six months are eligible for benefits. This is also rare. See Article 3 if it happens.
TRAINING Article 22.1 All required training and orientation undertaken during the term of the appointment shall be considered part of the workload for the term, with the exception of pedagogy courses required as a condition of employment for Teaching Associates. Article 22.2 For any orientation, training, or meeting required as a condition of employment, that is scheduled outside of the dates of the appointment term, Academic Student Employees shall receive either (a) a separate appointment for the dates of the required orientation, training, or meetings; or (b) an extension of the appointment to cover the dates of the required orientation, training, or meetings.
Evaluations Article 8 Not all departments have a written evaluation form, but if employment evaluations are to take place, you will receive in writing the evaluative criteria, schedule and procedures for written employment evaluations within first 14 days of the appointment The CBA says after you receive a (draft) evaluation there is at least a five day period before placement in personnel file
Evaluations (cont’d) Have five days after receipt to request meeting with appropriate administrator Meet within 10 days of request ASE receives copy of final evaluation within five days after placement in file 14 days to submit a rebuttal statement after receipt
Personnel Files Article 17 Personnel files must be kept pertaining to a Unit 11 employee’s employment Dean’s Office or Department will be the “custodian of the file” Employee has the right of access to all materials in his/her personnel file, and may request copies of the documents from the file. Personnel actions during the term of an appointment shall be based upon materials in the personnel file.
Holidays There are several paid holidays recognized in Article 12. E.g., TA who teaches classes on Monday and Wednesday, but didn’t teach Monday due to holiday. Pay won’t be affected. TAs are also entitled to a personal holiday taken on one day during the calendar year. Scheduling by mutual agreement. If the TA doesn’t take the personal holiday before the end of the calendar year, it is forfeited. ISAs do not have paid holidays. ISAs are paid for all hours authorized to work.
Leaves of Absence (Art. 14) Illness or injury Unpaid Leave of Absence due to temporary incapacity Written application Bereavement Leave for immediate family member (2-3 days) Jury Duty (14.7) Payment shall only be made for those days the ASE was required to be at the court for jury duty. An hourly employee shall be eligible for time off with pay for jury duty only for those hours he/she was scheduled to work. If federal court, remit amount received
Resources / Questions? Supervisor Department office Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Dean of Students (FERPA) Faculty Development Center (teaching ideas) Phil Lee Assistant Director, Faculty Affairs and Records FAR Front Desk: x2125