Mobile Working For Housing Repairs and Maintenance Mick Roberts Repair Operations Manager Ongo Homes
We are Ongo Homes
328 sq miles 850 km 1,000 empty homes 35,000 repairs 28 new homes
Where we came from In 2007 we became North Lincolnshire Homes as a result of a LSVT from North Lincolnshire Council. At that time we had Optitime but were not mobile (daily run sheets printed) We had 141 staff in maintenance In house stores provision Electrical repairs & Void electrical repairs we contracted out Voids Gas work was contracted out Our maintenance budget was £7.5 million
2004 Run Sheets, Servitor, Optitime, Simple Hosted 2010 QL, HTC mobile, Optitime, Simple Hosted 2012 First Touch, IPADs, QL, Optitime 2013 DRS5, First Touch, IPADs, QL repairs team 2004 completely manual 2012 IPADs, QL, process still manual 2014 Project Planner, DRS5, First Touch, IPADs, QL empty homes team
Where are we now We are fully mobile (voids and repairs) We use ipads, First Touch and Optitime Electrical repairs in house Void gas in house We have 70 Staff Our budget this year is £5.7 million A saving of £1.7 million Our budget next year (2015-6) is £5.5 million
Latest technology
Why iPad, is it the best We were forced down iPad route Pros Very stable Two damaged in four years The iPads are totally unlocked They are easy to use and very intuitive Operatives went for it Large screen size Cons Some systems will not work (e-learning)
Repairs what we wanted We wanted to do all jobs by appointment AM, PM, School time appointments Jobs completed in real time Jobs tracked throughout via a PDA Electronic timesheet built in Van stocks and materials booked through the system Operatives starting on job at 8.00 finishing on job at 4.00 Large screen to allow other uses Access to e –learning Access to Ongo intranet
What we got Three area managers two planners area based with a selection of trades Operatives carry out van check before they start work They get one job at a time, but they can see their next job Van stock on iPad, system prints off a replenishment order at Buildbase Asbestos information on iPad SOR variation on iPad Timesheet completion to QL Large screen and ability to log on to Ongo Intranet Operatives developed processes
Had a review of our voids process in 2010 Tenants and the lettings lettings wanted a fixed date to allow lettings to arrange the signup and tenants to plan the move (within 28days). Complete electronic pre-inspection, including SOR’s, Material list, Meter Readings and recharge (if applicable). Materials listed and delivered to void properties Voids what we wanted
We found that not many people were using mobile working for voids teams. The only system we could find that would allow mobile working and plan a completion date was the old version of project planner We started the implementation of this in 2011 however Project Planner was pulled by Xmbrace As we had paid for it when the new version became available in October we had to have it in and working on the 11 th December 2014 We worked in collaboration with other housing associations on pre inspection process We had to upgrade all our systems DRS (optitime), First Touch, QLS Voids what did we consider
What we got Using Project planner with two planners Three area managers that also carry out the void inspections Auto creation of inspection and basic jobs when a property is made void Full electronic inspection Picking list sent to Buildbase Materials delivered to site before the job starts Use of van stocks by voids operative Commonality on ipad for repairs and voids so easily switched between repairs and voids
Project Planner We ended up having to implement it over a very short time We are not using it as Xmbrace want. Contractors and multi skilling an issue Massive improvement in productivity from the voids team We were regularly subbing out, general void works, cleans and electric checks. Visibility on where voids are in process Ability to plan to a date
What about the future Safety Checks on I-Pad Identifying and using spare resources (major voids/planned/commercial) Commercial jobs via ipad Streamlining van stocks – stores provision Want it now society – how do we cope Expanding performance framework
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