Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT
ICT in a Workplace Advantages: You can all the people who work there if you need to send a message out Fast communication method A good way of keeping track of what you are spending and what you are earning Disadvantages: You might get a virus on your computer which would mean you are unable to open your s A risk that your computer could break down any time of the day
ICT in Healthcare Advantages: If you moved doctors then you would be able to send all of your documents to your new doctors. If you have been to the dentist or a clinic then they can store all of your documents in the same place/file. Doctors could use the computers to look up medicines that will be needed for you. Disadvantages If all of your documents is on the computer then if the computer breaks down then you will not be able to access your records. If the computer gets a virus then you may need to swipe the computer which may get rid of peoples documents.
ICT in Education Advantages: Up to date and real world technology Prepares the children for the modern world Revise online Talk to your friends on social networking sites and develop new friendships Disadvantages: Never enough resources (computers) for each classroom and you can't expect parents to buy their children a laptop to take to school The computer may get a virus You could copy something off the internet word for word for your homework