1.What do you call a scientist who analyzes human remains in order to study past cultures? Archaeologists
2.What is the name of two ancient cities located in the Fertile Crescent that are being studied by archeologists? Aleppo and Jericho
3.What ancient city is found on the Anatolian Peninsula? (Modern day Turkey) Catal Huyuk
4.What is another name for the New Stone Age? Neolithic Age
5.What caused ancient civilizations to change? Contact with other people through trade, warfare and migration
6.What do you call the exchange of goods between different groups of people? Cultural diffusion
7.What ancient site in England was begun during the Neolithic period and was finished during the Bronze Age? Stonehenge
8.What was the chief characteristic of Homo sapiens who lived in Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago? Lived in semi-permanent settlements Nomadic Hunter-gatherers
9.What determined the geographic location of hunters and gatherers? Food sources
10.What were the major reasons that Neolithic man was able to live in stable communities? Technological and agricultural advances gave rise to stable communities
11.Where was ancient Mesopotamia located? Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
12.Why did the earliest civilizations originate in river valleys? Offered rich soil for growing of crops
13.How were different social classes treated in Hammurabi’s Code? Free people were valued more than slaves Rich people were treated differently from poor people
14.What was the first written language? Cuneiform writing
15.What was the key belief that was the source of an Egyptian pharaoh’s power? The belief that he was a god
16.Where were pyramids built? Egypt
17.What linked the Mediterranean world and china during the Classical period? Silk Road
18.What is a ziggurat and where was it located? Pyramid-shaped structure in Sumer - temple
19.What is the written language of ancient Egypt? Hieroglyphics
20.Well-planned cities with sophisticated plumbing could be found in which ancient river valley civilization? Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization
21.What are the physical barriers surrounding India? The Himalayas Indian Ocean Hindu Kush Mountains
22.Respect for ancestors is a key belief of which religion/philosophy? Confucianism
23.During which dynasty did India experience its Golden Age? Gupta Dynasty (Empire)
24.The caste system influenced all aspects of Indian culture. What group introduced this system to India? Aryans
25.What was a caste based on? Occupation
26.How was each person’s caste determined? By birth
27.What religion is most closely associated with the Gupta Dynasty? Hinduism
28.Who is considered the founder of Hinduism? No single founder
29.What important intellectual contribution was made during the Gupta Dynasty? Concept of zero
30.The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are teachings of which religion? Buddhism
31.In what modern day country was Buddhism founded? Nepal
32.Karma, dharma, reincarnation and non-violence are all key teachings of which religion? Hinduism
33.What are two beliefs that Hindus and Buddhists share? Followers of both believe in reincarnation and non-violence
34.What was a key reason that Asoka was important? He sent Buddhist missionaries to China to spread Buddhism
35.With what civilization is the Great Wall associated? China
36.The Vedas and Upanishads are the sacred writings of Hinduism
37.What religion/philosophy emphasizes education and believes rulers must be fair and just to prosper? Confucianism
38.Where was the Mauryan Empire located? India
39.What was the role of the Nubian city of Meroe? A source of iron weapons, iron tools and trade
40.Which emperor is associated with the construction of the Great Wall? Shi Huangdi
41.When a dynasty falls, its people believe it has lost the Mandate of Heaven
42.What are the characteristics of Taoism (Daoism)? Humility Living a simple life Living in harmony with nature
43.What were the key trade goods of classical China? Silk Paper Compass Porcelain They also developed printing and the compass
44.Harappa is another term to identify which civilization? Ancient Indus River Valley civilization
45.What was the name of an ancient city on the Indian subcontinent? Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa