Subject-Verb Agreement Ms. Correa Intro to Genre April 2016
Case #1: Knowing the difference between single subjects / plural subjects incorrect: Strawberries is my favorite fruit. Correct: Strawberries are my favorite fruit. This becomes more difficult when you flip the sentence around: Incorrect: My favorite fruit are strawberries. Correct: My favorite fruit is strawberries. Generally, the subject of the sentence comes first. It is the main noun of the sentence.
Case #2: Recognizing nouns that look plural, but are actually singular. Incorrect: Mathematics are my most difficult class. Correct: Mathematics is my most difficult class. Incorrect: Social Studies this year begin with Ancient Civilizations. Correct: Social Studies this year begins with Ancient Civilizations. Incorrect: This pair of jeans are stained from the paint that I used to paint the mural. Correct: This pair of jeans is stained from the paint that I used to paint the mural.
Case #2: More examples of nouns that look plural, but are actually singular. The team are practicing each night before the big tournament. The team is practicing each night before the big tournament. The news are reporting that a crime was committed on 51 st street. The news is reporting that a crime was committed on 51 st street. Do you think the media are biased against certain Presidential candidates? Do you think the media is biased against certain Presidential candidates? My family have not decided where they are going on vacation. My family has not decided where it is going on vacation.
Case #4: Using Either / Or, Neither/Nor with a singular verb. Incorrect: Either Margaret or her mother are going to plant the flowers. Correct: Either Margaret or her mother is going to plant the flowers. Incorrect: Either rain or snow showers is predicted for tomorrow. Correct: Either rain or light snow showers are predicted for tomorrow. Incorrect: Neither the puppy nor the two cats is hungry. Correct: Neither the puppy nor the two cats are hungry. Rule: When using either/or, whichever part of the subject comes second determines whether you will choose a singular or plural verb.
Case #3: Two-parted objects that need a plural verb. Tweezers Trousers Pants Shears Scissors Forceps The scissors are too difficult for the Pre-K children to handle by themselves. The tweezers are handy for personal hygiene issues. INCORRECT: Could you pass me the scissor? Can you pick up a tweezer for me at CVS?
Case #5: Both / are All / are Incorrect: Both of the children is signed up to attend Horseback Riding Camp. Correct: Both of the children are signed up to attend Horseback Riding Camp. Incorrect: All of the turkeys is in the pen behind the barn silo. Correct: All of the turkeys are in the pen behind the barn silo.
Case #6: Each / is One / is Incorrect: Each of the campers are excited to go on the Splish-Splash trip. Correct: Each of the campers is excited to go on the Splish-Splash trip. Incorrect: One of my favorite snacks are chocolate chip cookies and milk. Correct: One of my favorite snacks is chocolate chip cookies and milk. Rule: “Each” and “One” are pointing out single or individual subjects, so the verb should be singular as well.