JEOPARDY (Science Test 1:3 – 1:4)
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Any substance that can’t be broken down is called what?
What is an element?
When two or more elements are combined chemically
What is a compound?
Oxygen enters the bloodstream from the lungs using this process:
What is diffusion?
Hydrogen is an example of this
What is an element?
The 5 most important compounds found in living things.
Lipids carbohydrates water proteins nucleic acids
What does it mean for a compound to be “organic”?
It has carbon in it
If you didn’t have enough proteins in your body, how could this be harmful?
Chemical reactions may be too slow cell structures may not be made properly
In the carrot lab, the carrot was bendable because_______
Water went out of the carrot
If you put a blood cell in salt water, what would happen to the cell as a result of osmosis?
Water would leave the blood cell
You have a cell with 15 protein molecules inside of it and 25 outside the cell. Which way will the protein molecules naturally move and what process is it?
The protein molecules will move towards the inside of the cell, and the process is diffusion.
Why is water important in a cell? 4 reasons
Most chemical reactions in cells need water keeps cell temperature constant keeps the size/shape of the cell It allows things to move in and out of the cell
What 3 things cross the cell membrane by active transport?
Calcium sodium potassium
What are the different kinds of passive transport
Osmosis and diffusion
This process is the movement of water molecules from an area of high to low concentration.
What is osmosis
What is active transport
Movement of molecules from less crowded to more crowded areas requiring energy
My science teacher told me that if I sleep on my book the night before and I would learn by osmosis. Is this statement correct? Why/why not?
No, Osmosis is with water, not knowledge.
What is the difference between passive and active transport?
Passive transport doesn’t require energy, active transport does.
How are osmosis and diffusion similar?
They both involve molecules moving from crowded to less crowed places They are both types of passive transport
Is this statement true or false: Some substances can cross the membrane of a cell if it is selectively permeable.
What allows molecules to move across the membrane by active transport.
Why do molecules bump into each other?
They are always moving
What is the inorganic compound found in living things that we studied?
Some substances being able to pass through the membrane while others cannot is called:
What is selectively permeable
Describe diffusion with the example of someone dropping a bottle of perfume.
The scent molecules will move from crowded to less crowded places.
Give an example of where diffusion would happen in your body?
Oxygen in your blood or carbon dioxide out of your blood
What happens if salt is in high concentration outside of a carrot?
Water diffuses out of the carrot (by osmosis) and makes the carrot flimsy, smaller, and have less mass.
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