Health Sector
Objectives Objective 1: Improve access, quality and coverage of comprehensive primary health care Objective 2: Improve access, quality and coverage to essential secondary and tertiary health care Objective 3 [OPTIONAL]: To support national health system
Output and Indicator 1 Objective 1: Improve access, quality and coverage of comprehensive primary health care Basic primary health services for communicable and non-communicable diseases are provided Number of consultations per 100 per week Epidemic preparedness and response measures in place Comprehensive mental health services available Comprehensive MH; # receiving Vaccination services provided Vaccination coverage Reproductive health services provided ANC consultations Nutrition ? Comprehensive health education and promotion ??????think about this together with other sectors
Output and Indicator 2 Objective 2: Improve access, quality, resilience and coverage to essential secondary and tertiary health care Referrals for essential secondary and tertiary health in place Number of referrals reported Establish exceptional care committees are in place Number of ECC referrals
Output and Indicator 3 Objective 3 [OPTIONAL]: To support national health system Capacity assessment carried out Survey Health service facilities requiring support assisted Number of facilities assisted Health information system strengthened ?????think about this at the national level