How healthy is your community? Public Health Warwickshire Spring 2014 Warwick and localities version
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Your Community
Population 17.2% of the population are under % of the population are aged years 17.4% of the population are aged 65 and over Source: MYE, 2012 and Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013 Area Aged under years65+ yearsTotals No% % % Kenilworth4, ,034605, ,398 North Leamington 4, , , ,427 South Leamington 3, , , ,194 Warwick5, , , ,115 Warwick Rural - West 2, , , ,197 Warwick Rural – East 1, , , ,608 Whitnash1, , , ,97 Warwick District23, , , ,517 Warwickshire99, , , ,410
Deprivation Income deprivation describes the proportion of people who are dependent on certain means-test benefits, including any dependents of claimants Income deprivation is below the England average in Warwick District The highest rate is in South Leamington and lowest rate is in Warwick Rural - West Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013
Car Ownership Around 40% of households in Warwick District have two or more cars (2011) Just under one in ten households have three or more cars Warwick District records the highest rate of public transport usage for travelling to work in Warwickshire (7.3%) Source: Census Profiles, 2011
GCSE Achievement (%) Attainment ranges from 51.4% % England average is: 58.2% Levels of attainment in Warwick District are generally above both the England and Warwickshire averages Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013
Educational Attainment Percentage of pupils gaining 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*-C, including English and Maths in 2012 by locality Source: Business Intelligence (Children’s), Warwickshire Observatory (both WCC. Figures based on residence, not school location
Your Health
Life Expectancy at Birth Life expectancy at ward level: 76 to 82.7 years District level: 80.3 years Warwickshire: 79.5 years England: 78.3 years Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013 Life expectancy at ward level: 81.3 to 87.8 years District level: 84.5 years Warwickshire: 83.5 years England: 82.3 years
Life Expectancy This is a gap of eleven years Life expectancy at birth is higher in Warwick District than England and Warwickshire averages but varies across the district There is a variation in life expectancy at birth at ward level across the Warwick District: Someone living in Brunswick Ward can expect to live up to the age of 76 years whilst someone born in Park Hill Ward can expect to live up to the age of 87.8 years Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013
Long Term Illness or Disability (%) The rate of long term illness or disability in Warwick District is 14.8% This is lower than the England average This varies across the locality by 12.6% to 15.4% Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013
Source: Health Profiles, 2013 The proportion of adults smoking in Warwick District is 20.5% Warwickshire average is: 19.7% England average is: 20% Lifestyle Indicators
Obesity in 10/11 year olds Source: NCMP 2010/11 & 2011/12
Hospital Admissions for Alcohol Related Harm South Leamington and Warwick has the highest rate of hospital admissions for alcohol related harm whilst Warwick Rural – East has the fewest Source: Public Health England, Local Health Profiles, 2013
Dementia Forecasts show that the number of people aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia is likely to increase by 28% from 2012 to 2020 in Warwickshire and in Warwick District this increase is expected to be 24% Source: POPPI, Projected population aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia, 2012 to 2020
What next?
Living in Warwickshire Survey Responses from over 7,500 households in the County Local area analysis is being undertaken Detailed local profiles will be available for the summer round of Forums Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Helps us understand the needs of people living in Warwickshire and where we need to focus our work We welcome your views visit
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