1 Advertising Appeals & Creative Execution
2 What is an Advertising Appeal? Refers to the approach used to attract the attention of consumers and/or to influence their feelings toward the product, service, or cause. Something that moves people, speaks to their wants or need, and excites their interest. The underlying content of the advertisement “movie script”. Don’t confuse with executional framework.
3 Deciding on an Advertising Appeal Review Creative Brief (specifically objectives section) The nature of the product The preferences of the client (very important) Common sense and gut feeling Two major types: –Emotional –Rational
4 Emotional Appeal Relate to the customers’ social and/or psychological needs for purchasing a product or service Why do we use? Many consumers’ motives for purchase decisions are emotional. Many advertisers believe an emotional appeal work better at selling brands that do not differ markedly from competing brands.
5 Bases for Emotional Appeals (Personal States or Feelings) Safety Security Fear Love Affection Humor Happiness Joy Nostalgia Sentiment Excitement Arousal/stimulation Sorrow/grief Pride Achievement/accomplish ment Self-esteem Actualization Pleasure Ambition Comfort
6 Bases for Emotional Appeals (Social-Based Feelings) Recognition Status Respect Involvement Embarrassment Affiliation/belonging Rejection Acceptance Approval
7 This ad by iparty.com reminds viewers of the fickle nature of children. Emotional Appeal MasterCard - Lost Dog MasterCard - Grandma's Stew Kodak – Emotional Cadillac (Chrome Couture)
8 This ad for a nonprofit animal rights and rescue group draws on viewers’ sympathies toward animals.
9 Fear Appeal Increases viewer interest in the ad and the persuasiveness of the ad. Used with health and beauty products, idea marketing, insurance. Most experts believe that a moderate level of fear is most effective.
10 Fear Appeal Print Ad Example This ad reminds people of the dangers of overexposure to the sun.
11 Humor Appeal Used in 30% of all advertisements. Excellent at capturing attention. Score high in recall tests. Should be related directly to customer benefit. Or else, the joke can overpower the message. Television Commercial Examples: Washington Mutual (Head Scan)Washington Mutual (Head Scan Washington Mutual (Teller Porter)Washington Mutual (Teller Porter Citi (Nail Salon) Peta (Bad Cats) Craftsman (Ball Return)
12 Humor Appeal
13 Sex Appeal Subliminal techniques Nudity or partial nudity Sexual suggestiveness Overt sexuality Sensuality Miller Lite - Pillow Fight Brawny - Happy Birthday Xenadrine – Change Axe - Bath
14 Are Sex Appeals Effective? Research Results Sex and nudity do increase attention. Rated as being more interesting. Often leads to strong feelings about the advertisement. Brand recall is lower. Often interferes with message comprehension
15 Using Sex Appeals Effectively Be aware of differences in the international arena. Should be an integral part of the product. Should utilize a variety of models in terms of age, size, ethnicity and gender. Should consider using “regular person” models. Be careful sex does not overpower advertisement. Consider shifting to more sensuality.
16 Music Appeals Has intrusive value. Gains attention and increases the retention of visual information. Can increase persuasiveness of an advertisement. Design Questions –What role will music play? –Will a familiar song be used or new song created? –What emotional feeling should song solicit? –How does the music fit with the message of the ad? Levi's (Walk) eBay (It Anthem) Subaru (Dust in the Wind) Apple (iPod Shuffle)
17 Tunes and Taglines Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Feel like a woman (Revlon). Come see the softer side of Sears. The ABC News theme (also used in commercials for the news). I am stuck on Band Aid, cause Band Aid is stuck on me. See if you can think of the tune that matches each of the following taglines:
18 Scarcity Appeals Based on limited supply or Based on limited time to purchase. Often tied with promotion tools such as contests, sweepstakes and coupons. Encourages customers to take action.
19 Rational Appeals Focus on the consumer’s practical, functional, or utilitarian need for the product or service and emphasize features of a product or service and/or benefits or reasons for owning or using a particular brand Print media is well-suited for rational appeals. Used by business-to-business advertisers. Well-suited for complex and high involvement products.
20 Bases for Rational Appeals Feature Appeal Competitive Advantage News appeal (new product, new innovation) Product/service popularity appeal
21 Combining Rational and Emotional Appeals Consumer purchase decisions are often made on the basis of both emotional and rational motives, and attention must be given to both elements in developing effective advertising.
22 Creative Execution Is the way a particular appeal is turned into an advertising message presented to the consumer.
23 Types of Creative Execution Straight Sell – used with high-involvement consumer products as well as B2B products. Scientific/Technical Evidence – a variation of the straight sell. Demonstration – illustrates the key advantages of the product/service; tough to use with print media Comparison – used when comparing a lesser know brand with industry leaders
24 Types of Creative Execution Testimonial – can be effective when the person delivering the testimonial is someone with whom the target audience can identify with Slice of Life – portrays a problem or conflict that consumers might face in their daily lives; used extensively by P&G Animation – has become popular in recent years Personality Symbol – developing a central character that can deliver the advertising message
25 Types of Creative Execution Imagery – where the ad consists of visual elements rather than information; commonly used for soft drinks, liquor, clothing, and cosmetics Dramatization – similar to Slice of Life but offers more excitement and suspense Humor – well suited for TV and radio
26 Hierarchy of Effects Model Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase Cognitive Affective Conative