Introduction to UML and Rational Rose UML - Unified Modeling Language Rational Rose 98 - a GUI tool to systematically develop software through the following stages or views: –Use case View –Logical View –Component View –Deployment View
1. Use Case View Addresses the understandability and usability of the system Consists of –Actors: something or somebody interacting with the system from outside – Use cases: Describes the nature of the interaction between the actors and the system Extends Uses
Use Case View (continued) Contains –Use Case diagram: shows relationships between actors and use cases –Sequence diagram: graphical view of object interactions arranged in time sequence –Collaboration diagram: graphical view of interactions organized around objects and their links to each other.
2. Logical View Addresses functional requirements of the system - classes and interactions Class –stereotypes of class (ex. utility, entity etc.) CanClass Diagrams: Can define –attributes of class –operations of class –Relationships among classes
Relationships among Classes Four types of relationships Association: describes links between objects in related classes Aggregation: stronger association where relation is between a whole and its parts Dependency: ex. Client - server relationship Generalization: inheritance between super-class and sub-class. Common attributes and operations are moved from sub-class to super-class by drag and drop.
State Transition Diagram For a class, it denotes the different states it can go through A state transition can be accompanied by –an action (behavior of transition), or entry activities exit – a guard condition (boolean determining when transition occurs) Start and Stop states
3. Component View Addresses software organization of the system. Deals with software modules, libraries etc Involves –Component: a representation of a.src file, a library or an executable –Package: represent file system directories –Dependency relations among packages
4. Deployment View Contains the deployment diagram Deployment diagram contains –computational resources (ex. Computers, printers etc) –connections between these resources (ex. Communication path between them)
Mappings through the views Use case view to Logical view: Messages in Sequence and collaboration diagrams can be mapped to messages in the logical view. Logical view to Component View: –Packages mapped to packages –Classes mapped to components
Mapping UML to and from languages UML can be mapped to (forward engineered) Java, C++, Visual Basic, Oracle. UML can also be used to do reverse engineering from programs in these languages.
Mapping UML to Java Rose Java maps the following UML constructs to Java constructs –Packages in the component view –Classes –Class to component relationships –Classes with the interface stereotype –Attributes –Methods (operations) –Association, Generalization, Dependency and other relationships –Constructor properties –Some others...
Continued.. For example, packages are mapped to directories (starting from the root directory specified in the Java CLASSPATH), components are mapped to files. file(s) and writes the code skeletons in them You edit the files, write in the code, compile, run, test,...