Wealden Strategic Partnership Sussex Downs College: Working with Employers
About Sussex Downs College 3 Campuses based in Eastbourne, Lewes & Newhaven. Provide both Academic & Vocational Qualifications. Work with a broad range of strategic & delivery partners including JCP, ESCC & WDC. Engage with over 1000 employers (both locally & nationally).
About Sussex Downs College Dedicated Business Development Team. – Business Engagement Team covering West Sussex area, Brighton & Lewes District, East Sussex & The Weald. – Recruitment & Employability Team. – Marketing and Communications Team.
East Sussex Sector Split
East Sussex: the vision “By 2021, East Sussex will have a stronger, more resilient, inclusive and balanced economy, built on an expanded private sector base in a county recognised for its distinctive character and excellent connectivity.”
Local Enterprise Partnerships
By 2021 East Sussex will: have a more diverse economy with expanded health, hospitality, tourism, creative/culture sectors, ‘higher- value added’ sectors including advanced manufacturing and engineering, business services offer a diverse array of quality private sector employment opportunities for a more highly skilled and inclusive workforce with appropriate career pathways; have improved transport and broadband connectivity, commercial and housing infrastructure – with better fit for a low carbon economy boast a thriving and high quality visitor economy renowned for its natural assets, unique heritage, culture, market and coastal towns.
LEPS C2C and SELEP LEP Priorities in East Sussex Transport Infrastructure to unlock business sites Commercial Property Skills Creating a sense of place Business finance
LEP Growth Sectors SELEPCoast to Capital Life Sciences/Med TechHealth & Life Sciences LogisticsCreative, Digital and IT Advanced Manufacturing & EngineeringAdvanced Engineering Low Carbon/Environmental TechnologiesEnvironmental Technologies Financial & Business Services
What Employers are Looking for WORK EXPERIENCE 80% thought work experience essential to ensuring young people were ready for work; 67% would be more likely to hire a young person with work experience. 50% had given a full-time job to someone they had taken on for work experience; 71% thought that structured work experience should be mandatory for all year olds.
What Employers are Looking for BASIC SKILLS – English & Maths Core skills such as numeracy, literacy and communication were more valued in a potential candidate than academic qualifications. 55% said they would hire someone without a degree.
How SDC is addressing this Working with employers to deliver Apprenticeships Wide offer of frameworks including Health & Social Care, Hospitality, Construction, Business and IT skills. Apprenticeships cover both the competencies that are needed to do the job and the underlying knowledge. They address basic maths, English and IT skills that are needed by employers. They help individuals to develop their basic ‘soft skills’ and employability skills. Can be used to both recruit and to training existing employees.
How SDC is addressing this Delivering Sector Based Work Academies They are sector specific and are aimed to support 19+ Job Seekers to gain employment and employers to recruit new staff. They are run for a minimum of 6 weeks and consist of: – A Programme of pre-employment training which is appropriate for the opportunities available. – A period of enhanced work experience where trainees can apply their training. – Ideally a guaranteed job interview.
How SDC is addressing this Delivering Sector Based Work Academies They are sector specific and are aimed to support 19+ Job Seekers to gain employment and employers to recruit new staff. They are run for a minimum of 6 weeks and consist of: – A Programme of pre-employment training which is appropriate for the opportunities available. – A period of enhanced work experience where trainees can apply their training. – Ideally a guaranteed job interview.
How SDC is addressing this Delivering Funded Workplace Learning Working in partnership to deliver training where there is an identified need or gap. Responsive to employers and local training needs. Aimed specifically at those people who are living or working in the South East who are 19+ and who hold a maximum of a level 2 qualifications ( equivalent to 5 GCSE’s). Aimed ideally to those companies of employees.
How SDC is addressing this Holding Sector Based Conversations Direct conversations with employers. Identifying skills needs locally. Aimed to shape the provision at Sussex Downs College. Held sector by sector with employers of different sizes.
Thank you for listening. Kirsti Godson Business Development Manager Sussex Downs College