Making operational the Dublin descriptors Part of: Assessing the level of higher education degrees Trudy Rexwinkel
Headlines 1Introduction 2Stages of a survey 3Making operational the Dublin descriptors (stage 1) 4Some results of international survey (stage 2)
1Introduction Bachelor masterstructure System of accreditation
Making operational the levelconcept and choosing a method Drawing conclusions and developing proposals for improvements and innovations Gathering and analysing data Judgements (learning outcomes) of graduates, managers of graduates, students, external supervisors, staff Aims and objectives of degree course 2 Three stages of the survey
3Making operational Dublin descriptors Context International standards
Qualifications Field of study Characteristics International Standards
Characteristics 4 types higher education -bachelor and master university -bachelor and master hbo characteristics bachelor hbo - professional competences - specific or related profession(s)
Field of study -academic discipline(s) - next possible study - professional practice (or international academic practice) -recent developments pp or ad -international developments - intake
Qualifications -final qualifications -based on recent and objective (as possible) sources
International standards final qualifications testing against internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor or master
International standards qualifications testing against internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor or master hbo bachelor - Physiotherapy - Nursing - Economics Business - Hotelmanagement hbo master - Fine Arts
CityCountryDegree courseInstitute 01AntwerpBelgiumBachelor HotelmanagementPlantijn-Hogeschool 02BrusselsBelgiumBachelor HotelmanagementErasmus Hogeschool 03HelsingborgSwedenDepartment of Service ManagementLund University 04LeedsUnited KingdomTourism, Hospitality & Event SchoolLeeds Metropolitan University 05LeeuwardenThe NetherlandsInternational Business and Management Studies, Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland 06MaastrichtThe NetherlandsThe Netherlands Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht Hogeschool Zuyd 07ManchesterU.S.A.Hotel and Resort Management (B.S.), Bachelor of Science Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management Southern New Hampshire University 08StavangarNorwayMaster’s Program in Service Management Norsk hotelhogskole-institutt for okonomi og ledelse 09ViennaAustriaTourismus-Management MODULFachhochschule Wien GmbH
Procedure International Survey 1 Netherlands schools made a proposal for - aims and objectives of degree courses - the method: constructing a questionnaire 2 Netherlands schools made a draft questionnaire 3 Four participating schools pretest the questionnaire 4 All 9 participating schools approved the questionnaire
Internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor and qualifications International Survey HotelManagement Knowledge and understanding Have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon and supersedes the general secondary education 1, and are typically at a level that whilst supported by advanced textbooks 2, includes some aspects that will be informed of the forefront of their field of study 3 1 human resource management principles to manage and guide employees 2 research methods and techniques in organisational sciences 3 sustainable environmental issues within the hospitality industry
Applying Can apply knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation 1, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study 2 - apply marketing techniques and substantiate the choices - manage a team with various cultural backgrounds - control your department financially using key figures or indicators - apply risk management to reduce the possibility of calamities - handle time at work effectively and deal well with stress factors Internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor and qualifications International Survey HotelManagement
Internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor and qualifications International Survey HotelManagement Making judgements Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within the field of study) 1 to inform (make) judgements that include reflection on relevant social, academic or ethical issues 2 - take ethical principles into consideration in the execution of the profession - carry out applied research, such as feasibility studies - select and recruit staff using function requirements (selection and recruitment)
Internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor and qualifications International Survey HotelManagement Communication Can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions 1 to both specialists 2 and non-specialist 3 audiences -Present and explain a business plan to the bank / owner / corporate office -Advise the management of the hotel chain or the top management referring to research results -Communicate effectively with employees about policy changes -Communicate with colleagues about the profession in English, French, Germand and Spanish
Internationally accepted descriptions of bachelor and qualifications International Survey HotelManagement Learning skills Have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study 1 with a high degree of autonomy 2 -think ‘out of the box’ in a creative way to break down fixed patterns making innovation in the organisation possible -accept feedback concerning the personal performance -draw up and follow a personal development plan -contribute to the development of professionalisme within the branch by means of publications or contributions to conferences
All AustriaUSA Assess your personal professional actions with the assistance of standards Accept feedback concerning your personal performance Think ‘out of the box’ in a creative way to break down fixed patterns making innovation in the organisations possible Draw up and follow a personal development plan Work professionally at an international level Manage in a result oriented way in order to obtain satisfied guests healthy financially results Strong qualifications Neth
Contribute to the development of professionalism within the branch by means of publications and or contributions to conferences Weak qualifications
Thank you for your attention
Fine Arts - On what stages / operahouses / orchestras etc. are graduates performing? - Where are graduates exhibiting?